Nxënësit bllokojnë rrugën, nuk kemi shkolla - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Mungesa e nje shkolle dhe mesimi ne shtepi te braktisura ka bere qe 400 nxenes te arsimit 9-vjeçar ne fshatin Radokal ne Pogradec te bllokojnë kete te merkure rrugen hyrese te fshatit ne shenje proteste.
Ata jo vetem kane bojkotuar mesimin, por edhe kane vendosur ne rruge gure qe te mos lejojne hyrjen e autobusit te arsimtareve. Protestës i jane bashkuar edhe prindërit e nxënësve, duke kerkuar nje zgjidhje te menjëhershme te kesaj situate. Pas kësaj situate te krijuar ka ndërhyre edhe policia, e cila mesohet te kete shoqeruar disa nxenes dhe dy mësues te fshatit. Qe prej fillimit te vitit shkollor, nxenesit e fshatit Radokal e zhvillojnë mesimin ne disa shtepi te braktisura, ndersa ata qe ndjekin arsimin e mesem detyrohen te udhëtojnë çdo dite per gati 1 ore e gjysme ne kembe, ne drejtim te fshatit me te afert qe ka nje shkolle. Mësimdhënia mbetet nje problem i madh edhe per zonat rurale ne rrethin e Elbasanit. Ketu mësimi behet ne klasa te përbashkëta, per shkak te mungesës se shkollave. Ne nje klase te tille zhvillojnë mesim bashke nxënës te klasës se pare e deri ne ate te nente. Por kjo situate sipas drejtorisë Arsimore te Elbasanit vjen edhe per shkak te levizjes se popullsisë. Sipas statistikave te Drejtorisë Arsimore ne kete qark, mbi 11 përqind e mësimdhënies zhvillohet ne klasa kolektive.

The lack of an abandoned school and learning at home has led to 400 students of 9-year education in village Radokal in Pogradec to block this Wednesday village entrance road in protest.
They not only boycotted teaching, but have decided not to stone road bus permit entry teachers. Protests were joined by the parents of the students, demanding an immediate solution to this situation. After this situation created the police intervened, which is thought to have accompanied some students and two teachers of the village. Since the beginning of the school year, students in the village Radokal develop learning in some abandoned houses, and those who attend secondary education are forced to travel every day for 1 hour and a half on foot, in the direction of the nearest village that has a school. Teaching remains a major problem for rural areas in the district of Portland. Here learning is done in joint classes, due to the lack of schools. In such a class learning together students develop first class to that of the nine. But this situation according to the Education Department of Elbasan is also due to the movement of the population. According to statistics from the Department of Education in this region, over 11 percent of the teaching takes place in collective class.