Rreth 3 mije banoret e komunes Stebleve, jo vetem qe mbeten te izoluar gjate dimrit per shkak te debores se madhe, por iu mungon prej vitesh dhe sherbimi shendetesor.
Mes varferise dhe kushteve thuajse mesjetare te jeteses, banoret e komunes se thelle ne rrethin e Librazhdit denoncojnë indiferencën e strukturave shtetërore, pasi ish-ndërtesa e qendres shëndetësore eshte e shkatërruar dhe ne Stebleve ka mungese te personelit mjekësor, çka i ka detyruar shpesh banoret t'i transportojnë te semuret me barrele drejt spitalit te Librazhdit. Kryetari i komunes Stebleve thote se mungesën e sherbimit shëndetësor e kane ngritur prane institucioneve disa here, por asgje nuk ka ndryshuar. Shqetësimin e banoreve e ka mbështetur edhe deputeti socialist Taulant Balla. Mungesa e qendrës shëndetësore te Stebleves ne Librazhd le pa shërbim shtate fshatra te kësaj komune.
About 3 thousand people municipality Stebleve, not only remain isolated during the winter due to heavy snow, but was missing for years, and healthcare.
Between poverty and almost medieval conditions of life, the inhabitants of the municipality profound Librazhd district denounce the indifference of state structures, since the former health center building is destroyed and we Stebleve lack of medical personnel, which has forced people often t 'transporting the patients with barrels to Librazhd hospital. Mayor Stebleve says that the lack of health service institutions have raised at some time, but nothing has changed. Concerns of residents supported the socialist deputy Taulant Balla. Lack of health center Stebleves Librazhd let free service seven villages of the municipality.