Tahiri: Të arrestohet eksperti - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 3

Partia Socialiste kerkon arrestimin e ekspertit Ndoc Çardaku i cili sipas prokurorisë ka dëmtuar me dashje provat qe lidhen me vrasjen e Ziver Veizit.
Ne emer te PS, deputeti Sajmir Tahiri ka deklaruar se eksperti qe tentoi te deformonte te vërteten per vrasjen e protestuesve duhet te dale para drejtësisë. Sipas Tahirit manipulimi i qëllimshëm i provave nga eksperti është vetem nje prej hallkave shtetërore qe jane angazhuar per te mbuluar ketë krim. Nje dite me pare ne dokumentin qe prokuroria dorëzoi ne gjykaten e Apelit per ngjarjen e 21 janarit, akuzohej eksperti Ndoc Çardaku per manipulim te provave. Sipas prokurorisë eksperti Çardaku per te justifikuar teorine e tij se Ziver Veizi eshte vrare me plumb rikoshet ka futur me qellim ne teshat e viktimës nje ashkel; dhe kjo provohet edhe nga pamjet filmike. Ne fakt Çardaku ishte nje prej dy eksperteve qe dorëzuan raport ne gjykate per mënyrën e vrasjes. Ai pretendonte per plumb rikoshet ndersda eksperti tjeter fliste per vrasje direkte. Madje ne raportin e prokurorisë deklarohet se eshte e pamundur qe plumbi te kete qene rikoshet pasi ne pozicionin ku ka qene viktima, mes tij dhe gardisteve nuk ka pasur asnje peme.

Socialist Party demands arrest Ndoc expert Çardaku which the prosecution has deliberately damaged the evidence relating to the murder of Ziver Veizi.
On behalf of SP, MP Sajmir Tahiri said that expert who attempted to deformonte truth about the killing of protesters must be brought to justice. According to Tahiri deliberate manipulation of expert evidence is only one of the national chains that are committed to cover up this crime. The day before we prosecution document filed in the Court of Appeals for the event of January 21, was charged Ndoc expert Çardaku for manipulation of evidence. According to the prosecution expert Çardaku to justify his theory that Ziver Veizi was killed by ricocheting bullet has introduced order in the victim's clothes a sliver; is proven by film footage. We fact Çardaku was one of two experts who submitted the report to the court for the manner of killing. He claimed to ricochet bullet ndersda other expert spoke of direct killing. Even in the prosecution report stated that it is impossible to have been ricocheting bullet after the position where he was the victim, between him and the guards did not have any trees.