Rama në Elbasan: Programi për shendetesine - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Sherbimi shendetesor nuk mund te jete nje mall qe blihet por nje e mire publike qe shteti ka detyrim ta ofroje per te gjithe qytetaret.
Ky eshte vizioni qe partia socialiste ka per sektorin e shendetesise dhe qe perben nje prej reformave me radikale qe Edi Rama premton te realizoje nese vjen ne pushtet ne 23 qershor. Ndersa ka prezantuar programin ne qytetin e Elbasanit, Edi Rama ka deklaruar se nuk mund tu mohosh te papuneve dhe te varferve mundesine per te marre ndihmen e mjekut dhe do te jete shteti qe do te marre kete pergjegjesi. Ndryshe nga maxhoranca qe gjykon se sistemi i sigurimeve shendetesore eshte garanci per sukses, kryesocialisti Rama ka theksuar se ne keto 20 vite skema e sigurimeve ka deshtuar. Sipas Rames nje prioritet i qeverisjes se te majtes eshte lufta ndaj korrupsionit qe ka katandisur ne kete situate sistemin shëndetësor. Takimi i Elbasanit përmbylli nje seri takimesh dhe konsultimesh qe PS ka zhvilluar per te strukturuar programin e saj per shendetesine.

Healthcare can not be a commodity bought but a public good that the state has an obligation to provide for all citizens.
This is the vision that the socialist party for the health sector and that constitutes one of the most radical reforms that Edi Rama promises to realize if it comes to power in June 23. As he presented the program in the city of Elbasan, Edi Rama declared that there can be denying the unemployed and the poor the opportunity to get the help of a doctor and will be the state that will take this responsibility. Unlike the majority finds that the health insurance system is a guarantee of success, kryesocialisti Rama said that in these 20 years has failed insurance scheme. According to Rama a priority of the government that the Left is fighting corruption that has brought this situation health system. Elbasan meeting concluded a series of meetings and consultations that PS has developed for structured its program for health.