Krimi ka tronditur rende qytetin e Kuçoves, ku ish-dhendri ka vrare me arme vjehrren, vjehrrin dhe ka plagosur bashkeshorten. Ngjarja e rende ka ndodhur ne lagjen "Llukan Prifti", dhe ka si zanafille divorcin e nje martese 20-vjeçare. Riza Latifaj 58 vjeç, ka mberritur ne banesen e prinderve te gruas se tij ne Kuçove, ne perpjekje per ta bindur te kthehej te jetonte me te. Por ajo ka refuzuar dhe ne mbrojtje te saj kane dale edhe prinderit. Ky fakt ka detyruar 58-vjeçarin te drejtoje armen drejt vjehrres, Vasilika Muço ndaj se ciles ka shkrepur armen e tipit kallashnikov. Ne perpjekje per te shmangur tragjedine ka hyre edhe i vjehrri Rexhep Muço, i cili ka mbetur i vdekur ne vend se bashku me gruan e tij. Nderkohe, plumbi ka kapur edhe bashkeshorten e autorit te krimit, Engjellushe Muço 48 vjeç, e cila ndodhet ne gjendje te rende shendetesore. Autori i krimit eshte larguar nga banesa dhe eshte shpallur ne kerkim nga policia. Mesohet se Engjellushe Muço kishte vendosur t'i jepte fund martesës se saj, per shkak te konflikteve te vazhdueshme. Ajo ishte larguar dhe jetonte ne Greqi tek vëllezërit. Pak dite pasi kishte mbërritur ne Kuçove te prindërit e saj, ish-bashkëshorti tentoi te binde gruan per rikthimin e saj ne shtëpi, por ne fakt kjo tentative përfundoi me një krim te dyfishte.
Crime has severely shaken Kucova city, where the former has shot son-mother-in-law, father-in-law and wife injured. Serious event occurred in the neighborhood "Llukan Priest", and has the beginnings of a divorce 20-year marriage. Riza Latifaj 58 years, arrived at the apartment of his wife's parents in Kuçove, in an attempt to persuade to return to live with him. But it has rejected and its protection have emerged even parents. This fact has forced the 58-year-old Armenian lead to the mother-in-law, Vasilika Muco to which Armenian fired Kalashnikov type. In an effort to avoid the tragedy has entered the father-in-law Minister Recep Muço, which has remained dead in the country along with his wife. Meanwhile, lead has captured the wife of the perpetrator, Engjellushe Muço 48 years, which is in ill health. The perpetrator is removed from the apartment and was declared wanted by the police. Learned that Engjellushe Muço had decided to end her marriage, due to ongoing conflicts. It was moved and lived in Greece to the brothers. A few days after he arrived in Kuçove her parents, ex-husband tried to persuade his wife to return her home, but in fact this attempt ended with a double crime.