Starton "Apartamenti 2XL" - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Starton nga kjo fundjave e diela plot humor dhe batuta me banoret e apartamentit te famshëm 2XL.
Premiera e sezonit te ri premton me shume humor, duke i vendosur aktoret e 2XL, ne situata nga me te ndryshmet dhe duke u veshur atyre petkun e karaktereve argëtues. Per dy nga protagonistet kryesore te formatit te veçante, qe sillet ne Vizion Plus dhe Tring, ky sezon i ri sjell plot surpriza. Per producentin e "Apartamentit 2XL", sezoni i ri nuk mund te lere jashte vëmendjes fushaten elektorale, pasi politika ne Shqipëri, eshte nje nga sektorët, qe vazhdon te prodhoje humor. "Apartamenti 2XL" transmetohet çdo te diele ne ekranin e Vizion Plus, ne oren 20: 45 dhe ritransmetohet nje dite me pas ne Tring Shqip. Risija e këtij sezoni do te jete transmetimi ne portalin e njohur youtube.

Starts from this weekend Sunday full of humor and jokes with people famous apartment 2XL.
The premiere of the new season promises more humor, set 2XL actors, by different situations and being put on the cloak of entertaining characters. For two of the main protagonists special format, which behaves in the Vision Plus and Tring, the new season brings a lot of surprises. Producer of "apartment 2XL", the new season can not leave out the campaign attention, since politics in Bangladesh, is one of the sectors that continues to produce humor. "2XL apartment" is broadcast every Sunday at Vizion Plus screen, at 20: 45 and re - broadcast a day after in Tring English. The novelty of this season will be broadcast on youtube known portal.