Erseke, 50-vjeçari vret te dashurën dhe veten - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

E ka telefonuar per te festuar Shen Valentinin, por refuzimi i saj ka bere qe ta vrase me 5 plumba e me pas t'i jap fund edhe jetes se tij. Ngjarja e rende ka tronditur mengjesin e kesaj te enjte qytetin e Ereskes, kur 50-vjeçari Fatos Kapllani ka ekzekutuar me automatik te dashuren e tij, 32-vjeçaren Nertila Petriti me te cilen prej 4 vitesh kishte nje lidhje jashtëmartesore. Ne momentin e krimit, i cili ndodhi ne banesen e Nertila Petritit e pranishme ka qene edhe nena e gruas se vrare, e cila ishte e divorcuar dhe me dy femije te mitur. Fqinjet tregojne se jane shokuar nga ngjarja, pasi nuk kishin degjuar krisma. Ata shprehen se nuk ishin ne dijeni te kesaj lidhje jashtemartesore. Fatos Kapllani, baba i dy femijeve dhe gjysh mesohet se kishte punuar deri para nje viti si punonjes i zjarrefikeses, por kohet e fundit punonte si shofer taksie. Sipas policise Kapllani e ka kryer krimin, pasi nuk mund te pranonte qe e dashura e tij 32-vjeçarja Nertila Petriti t'i jepte fund marrëdhënies se tyre. Ajo prej disa kohesh refuzonte vijimin e lidhjes, madje kishte bere edhe nje denoncim ne polici, pasi 50-vjeçari Kapllani e kishte dhunuar per kete arsye. Por çeshtja eshte mbyllur pasi vete viktima ka terhequr denoncimin.

The call to celebrate Valentine's Day, but her refusal has prompted him with 5 rounds and then put an end to his life. The event shocked this morning Thursday Ereskes city, when 50-year-old Fatos Kapllani automatically executed his girlfriend, 32-year-old Atif Petriti which of 4 years had an extramarital relationships. At the time of the crime, which occurred in the apartment of Petriti Nertila present was also killed wife mother, who was divorced and with two young children. Show that the neighbors were shocked by the event, as they had heard shots. They said they were not aware of this extra connection. Fatos Kapllani, father of two children and grandfather learned that he had worked until a year as employees of zjarrefikeses, but recently was working as a taxi driver. According to police Kapllani committed the crime because they can not accept that his girlfriend 32-year-old Atif Petriti to end their relationship. It for some time refused connection attendance, had done even a denunciation to the police, as 50-year-old Kapllani raped for this reason. But the case is closed after the victim has attracted condemnation.