Boboshtice, kërkime për varre greke - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Ndersa drejtesia ende nuk e ka thene fjalen përfundimtare per demtimin e varreve ne Boboshtice, fshati rikthehet ne qender te vemendjen pasi ai perfshihet ne harten e gërmimeve per ushtaret greke te rene ne lufte.
Marrëveshja mes qeverise shqiptare dhe asaj greke, parashikon kërkime per eshtra, pikerisht ne fshatin ku ndertimi pa leje i memorialit per te renet greke shkatërroi varrezat e vjetra te zones. Por, banoret e vjeter te zones mohojne zhvillimin e luftes italo-greke ne kete zone, e si rrjedhoje edhe te varreve. Edhe historianet ne Tirane pohojne mungesën e frontit te luftes ne qarkun e Korçes. Te ftuar ne ZIP, Beqir Meta dhe Muharrem Dezhgiu sqaruan se kërkimet kane qellime politike nga shteti grek dhe se ato nuk kane baza historike. Por njesoj si ne komunën Moglice, edhe ne Boboshtice ende nuk dihet data e fillimit te gërmimeve, te cilat sipas hartes zyrtare, perfshijne 31 zona ne qarkun e Korçes.

While justice has not said the final word on the damage to the tombstones in Boboshticë the village back in the center of attention as it involved the excavation map for Greek soldiers fallen in battle.
The agreement between the Albanian and Greek government, provides research on the bones, precisely in the village where the illegal construction of the memorial for the fallen Greek destroyed the old cemetery in the area. But the old people of the area deny Greek-Italian war development in this area, and therefore graves. Tirana historians claim the lack of front of the war in the region of Korca. Involved in the ZIP, Beqir Meta and Muharram Dezhgiu explained that research had political purposes by the Greek state and that they have no historical basis. But just like we municipality Moglice, even in Boboshticë still do not know the date of commencement of excavation, which according to the official map includes 31 zones in the region of Korca.