Reagojnë familjaret e Nikes - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Nje dite pas vendimit te gjykates se Tiranes duke shpallur te pafajshem te akuzuarit e 21 Janarit, nga Lezha, vjen edhe reagimi i babait te Aleks Nikes, njerit prej kater viktimave.
Ndue Nika shprehet se vendimi i te enjtes, ishte nje vrasje e dyte per familjen e tij. Ndersa e motra e Aleks Nikes, Dalina, shprehet se pas te enjtes ata mund te mendojnë vetem per vetegjygjesi. Baba i Aleks Nikes, por edhe e motra, shprehet gjithashtu se pavarësisht tronditjes, nuk u habiten nga vendimi i gjykatës se Tiranes. Sipas tyre shpallja si "te pafajshëm" ndaj te akuzuarave te 21 janarit ishte nje vendim i diktuar nga qeveria.

A day after the decision of the court of Tirana acquitted the accused of 21 January, Lezha, comes the reaction of Nikes Alex's father, one of the four victims.
Ndue Nika said that Thursday's decision was a second murder for his family. While Alex's sister Nikes, Dalina, said that after Thursday they can think only vetegjygjesi. Father of Alex Nikes, but also his sister, also said that despite the shock, was not surprised by the decision of the court of Tirana. According to their announcement as "innocent" to be charged to 21 January was a decision dictated by the government.

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