Gjykata shpall të pafajshëm Prendin dhe Llupon - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-22 15

Gjykata e shkalles se pare e Tiranes shpalli te pafajshëm ish-komandatin e gardes Ndrea Prendi, gardistin Agim Llupo dhe shoferin e Prendit, Margarit Kume.
Ne nje salle te tejmbushur, kryesisht me te aferm te te akuzuarve apo punonjes te gardes, dikur vartes te gjeneral Prendit, gjyqtari i dosjes 21 janari Besnik Hoxha shpalli vendimin qe liron nga cdo akuze per vrasje 2 te pandehurit. Duartrokitjet nderprene 2 here leximin e vendimit dhe per shkak te kaosit te krijuar ne salle, mediat e kane patur te veshtire te marrin pamje te qarta. Gjykata e rrezoi pretencen e prokurorise per vrasje me dashje ne rrethana te cilesuara, si te pambeshtetur ne prova te mjaftueshme. Per togat e zeza, nuk eshte e provuar qe vrasjet te kene qene me dashje direkte, e ne keto kushte vete gjykata nuk mund te ngrinte nje akuze te re gjate fazes se shqyrtimit gjyqesor. Per te mbeshtetur vendimin qe liroi nga arresti i shtepise ndrea prendin dhe nga burgu agim llupon, u perdor nje kazus i gjykates se strasburgut. Ish kreu i gardes i ndau momentet e para te fitimit te pafajesise, me te afermit e tij ne salle. Me pas, ai perdori deren e pasme per tu larguar nga gjykata duke shmangur komentet per mediat. Por avokati mbrojtes, u shpreh se ky ishte nje triumf i drejtesise. Te kontaktuar nga Vizion Plus, zyrtare ne prokurorine e pergjithshme thane se do te presin vendimin e zbardhur te Gjykates se faktit, per te marre vendim nese do ta apelojne ceshtjen ne gjykaten e Apelit. Sipas ligjit, organi i akuzes ka 10 dite kohe per te ankimuar nje vendim, qe mendon se nuk eshte i mbeshtetur ne fakte.

Tirana First Instance Court acquitted former Guard commander Ndre Prendi, gardistin Sunrise Llupo and driver Prendi, Margarit Kume. In a crowded hall, mostly relatives of the accused or employees gardes, formerly subordinate to General Prendi, January 21 Loyalty Hoxha file judge announced the decision to exempt from any charges of murder 2 defendants. Applause interrupted 2 times the reading of the decision and because of the chaos created in the hall, the media have been difficult to get clear view. Court toppled pretencen prosecution for murder in specified circumstances, as unsubstantiated enough. For black platoons, it is not proven that the killings have been with direct intent, in these conditions separate court can not raise a new charge during the judicial review. To support the decision that cleared from house arrest Ndre Prendi and prison dawn llupon, uses a Kazusa Strasbourg Court. Former head of the guard of shared moments before profit of innocence, with his relatives in the hall. Later, he used the back door to be removed from the court by avoiding media comments. But defense lawyer, said that this was a triumph of justice. Contacted by Vizion Plus, an official at the Prosecutor General said they would await the decision of the Court revealing that fact, to make a decision whether to appeal the matter to the Court of Appeal. Under the law, the prosecution has 10 days to a...

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