Lirimi i banesave te pronareve - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Gjykata kushtetuese ka zbardhur vendimin qe rrezoi kërkesën e qiramarrësve, duke i detyruar ata te lëne shtëpitë e ish pronave. Ne arsyetimin e saj gjykata ka argumentuar se e drejta e pronës mbizotëron mbi çdo gjë tjetër. Nisur edhe nga fakti se akti normativ i qeverise është miratuar ne parlament, atëherë organi me i larte i drejtësisë nuk e ka konsideruar këtë vendim si antikushtetues. Akti normativ detyronte qe ne datën 1 nëntor 2012 te gjithë qiramarrësit do te lironin banesat pasi ato do i ktheheshin ish pronareve. Por avokati i këtyre familjeve, apeloi sot ndaj vendimin te kushtetueses duke thëne se efektet e një vendimi te tille janë te renda për shume nga banoret, pasi 90 % e tyre nuk kane mundur te përfitojnë kredi. Vete familjaret kërkuan qe edhe atyre tu njihet e drejta e privatizimit te një banese, sikundër kane merituar te gjithe qytetaret ne vitin 1991. Ne te gjithë vendin janë 1300 fëmije qe jetojnë ne banesa ish-pronaresh. Nxjerrja e tyre nga shtëpitë është shoqëruar me punonjës te policisë, te cilët ne jo pak raste janë përfshirë edhe ne përleshje me banoret. Rasti me i fundit ishte ai i shënuar te martën, tek ish çerdhja 31 ne Tirane ku rezistenca e një familje te mbetur ka sjelle ushtrimin e dhunës nga ana e policisë. Kjo ishte familja e fundit e mbetur ne këtë ndërtesë, e cila nuk pranonte te largohej pasi pretendonte se shtesa e saj ishte ne proces legalizimi.

The Constitutional Court has discolored the decision that toppled the request of tenants, forcing them to leave the homes of former properties. In its reasoning, the court has argued that property rights prevail over everything else. Given the fact that the normative act of government was adopted in parliament, then the highest of Justice did not consider this decision as unconstitutional. Normative force on 1 November 2012 to all tenants will release housing as they will return to the former owners. But these families' lawyer, appealed today to the decision of the Constitutional Court on the grounds that the effects of such a decision are severe for many of the residents, as 90% of them have been unable to receive credit. Own family members asked them to recognize the right to housing privatization, as have deserved all citizens in 1991. Across the country are 1,300 children living in flats to former owners. Releasing them from their homes was accompanied by police officers, who in many cases are involved in clashes with residents. The most recent case was that of marking Tuesday, former kindergarten 31 in Tirana, where the resistance of the remaining families has led to violence against the police. This was the last remaining family in this building, which did not want to leave after claims that its supplements was in the process of legalization.

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