Fond restaurimi për Kalanë e Libohovës - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-22 3

E ndërtuar rreth vitit 1800 nga Ali Pashe Tepelena, si prike per motrën e tij Shanishane, Kalaja e Libohovës eshte nder monument me te veçanta te kulturës ne jug te vendit.
Por gjendja e saj e mjerueshme, per shkak te kthimit te saj prej vitesh ne nje strehe per kafshët, ka vene ne levizje institutin e monumenteve te kulturës. Ekspertet kane hartuar nje projekt per restaurimin e ketij objekti. Nje nder veçantite e Kalase eshte se ne qender te saj, dikur ka pasur edhe nje ndërtesë ku banonte familja e motres se Ali Pashe Tepelenes. Madje edhe varri i Shanishase ndodhet ne te njejten hapësire. Kalaja e Libohovës është objekti i dyte qe do te restaurohet pas sarajeve te Mufit Bej Libohovës ne këtë zone.

Built circa 1800 by Ali Pasha Tepelena as dowry for his sister Shanishane, Libohova Castle is among the monument of the culture in the south of the country.
But her miserable condition due to its return for years at a shelter for animals, has set in motion the Institute of Cultural Monuments. Experts have developed a project for the restoration of this object. One of the peculiarities of Castle is that at its center, there was once a building where the family lived of Ali Pasha Tepelena sister. Even Shanishase tomb is located in the same area. Libohova Castle is the second object to be restored after Sarajevo to Mufit Bay Libohova in this area.