Nje dite para takimit Jahjaga-Nikolic - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Nje dite perpara takimi te shumëpërfolur mes presidentit te Serbise Tomisllav Nikolic dhe homologes Jahjaga, zyrtarja e larte e Kosoves e ka cilesuar si simbolik, por me nje rendesi te madhe per marrëdhëniet bilaterale mes dy vendeve fqinje. Dy zyrtaret kane mberritur ne Bruksel per kete takim qe do te ndermjetesohet nga perfaqesuesja per politiken e jashtme Catherine Ashton. Duke folur per temat qe do te diskutohen, presidentja Jahjaga ka tha se do te bisedohet parimisht, per normalizimin e plote te marrëdhënieve ndërmjet Kosoves dhe Serbise, per nevojen e vazhdimit te dialogut dhe zbatimin e marrëveshjeve per te gjitha çështjet qe jane shtruar ne tryezen e bisedimeve. Sipas saj keto tema jane me rendesi te veçante per shkak se mbeten ne dobi te qytetareve te te dyja shteteve dhe kontribuojnë per stabilitetin ne rajon. Rendesine e ketij takimi mes Jahjages dhe Nikolic e ka nenvizuar edhe zedhenesja e zonjes Ashton, permes nje komunikate te leshuar te henen.

A day before the meeting talked between Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic and Jahjaga counterpart, senior Kosovo has described as symbolic, but of great importance to the bilateral relations between the two neighboring countries. Two officials have arrived in Brussels for the meeting to be mediated by a representative for foreign policy Catherine Ashton. Speaking of topics to be discussed, President Jahjaga has said he will discuss in principle, for full normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia, the need for continuing dialogue and the implementation of agreements on all issues that are raised in the table negotiations. According to her, these topics are of particular importance because they remain in favor of the citizens of both countries and contribute to stability in the region. The importance of this meeting between Jahjaga and Nikolic has highlighted the spokeswoman Mrs Ashton, through a statement issued on Monday.