Vitrina e Librit - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-22 5
Jane te pakta studimet kushtuar artit modernist te Kosoves, ndaj si per te mbushur kete boshllek, kritiku Gezim Qendro prezanton kete liber per njerin prej artisteve me te shquar te kesaj periudhe, Rexhep Ferrin. Botimi perfshin edhe riprodhimet e nje sere veprash te artistit, te permbledhura bashke me studimin nen titullin intrigues "Arkeologjia e Mengjesit".
"Pothuajse Dje", keshtu e ka titulluar permbledhjen e saj me te fundit me vargje, poetja Luljeta Lleshanaku. Autore e nje sere librash, por edhe fituese e disa cmimeve nderkombetare ne lemin e poezise, ruan edhe ne kete veper stilin e saj, ose sic kritike te huaj e kane cilesuar, "nje krijuese e talentuar e krahasimit".
Psikiatri i njohur amerikan Irvin Yalom, por edhe autor i nje sere librash fiction, nje prej te cileve "Kur qau Nicja", vjen ne shqip me nje tjeter botim te njohur te tijin. "Problemi Spinoza", i publikuar per here te pare vitin e kaluar, prek jeten e dy personazheve, njeri nje filozof hebre dhe tjeri major nazist. Ne radhen e te rinjve, publikohet libri "Nje dhe e Pandashme" e presidentit italian Giorgio Napolitano. Ai ja ka kushtuar botimin 150 viteve te Italise se Bashkuar, ne formen e refleksionit.
Nga guru i famshem Indian Osho, vjen ne shqip nje tjeter liber qe perkthen filizofine e jeteses "Tri shnderrimet". Ndersa nga historiani dhe gazetari i njohur brazilian Sergio de Holanda, perkthehet per te pare ne shqip "Rrenjet e Brazilit", nje botim historik i publikuar ne vitin 1936.
Ne gjinine e fjaloreve vjen ai "Shqip Greqisht" nga Lavdimir Marku, duke permbledhur 10 mije fjale.
Are few studies devoted to Kosovo modernist art, so as to fill this gap, critic Chris Stay presents this book for one of the most outstanding artists of this period, Recep Hell. The publication includes reproductions of a series of works of the artist, summarized together with the study under the intriguing title "The Archaeology of Morning."
"Almost Yesterday", so has titled its summary of the last verse, the poet Luljeta Lleshanaku. Author of a number of books, but also the winner of several international awards in the field of poetry, keeps her style in this work, either as foreign critics have described, "a talented creative comparison."
American known psychiatrist Irvin Yalom, but also the author of a series of fiction books, one of whom "When I cried Nietzsche", comes another slip-known publication of his own. "Spinoza problem", published for the first time last year, affecting the lives of two characters, one a Jewish philosopher and Thierry Nazi major. The order of the youth, published the book "one and indivisible" Italian President Giorgio Napolitano. He has dedicated the publication 150 years of united Italy, in the form of reflection.
By famous Indian guru Osho, comes to slip another book that translates the philosophy of life "three conversions". As the historian and journalist known Brazilian Sergio de Holland, ...