AK: OSBE, mision i dështuar - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Kryetari i Aleances Kuq e Zi, Kreshnik Spahiu, ka leshuar akuza te forta ndaj OSBE, qe sipas tij po hesht ndaj masakrës kushtetuese qe iu be mandateve.
Nga Vlora, ku zhvilloi tubimin politik te radhës, Spahiu i kërkoi qytetareve qe te ndëshkojnë me vote koalicionin qeverisës. "OSBE hesht për masakrën Kushtetuese që koalicioni i tradhtarëve i bëri votës së lirë me çështjen e mandateve. Ky mision duhej të ishte i pari që duhej të reagonte për pabarazinë e votës që koalicioni i tradhtarëve i vendosi shqiptarëve. Shqiptarët janë zhgënjyer nga mos-përmbushja e misionit të OSBE-ODIHR", përfundoi fjalën e tij Kreshnik Spahiu. Gjate fjalës e tij, Spahiu u ndal edhe tek kriza ekonomike qe ka prekur vendin, ndërsa denoncoi faktin qe pushtetarët po bëjnë gjithçka per te vijuar pasurimin e tyre.

Red and Black Alliance Chairman, Kreshnik Spahiu, issued strong accusations against the OSCE, which according to him is silent on the massacre that he was constitutional mandates.
Vlora, where he developed the next political rally, Spahiu urged citizens to vote punish the ruling coalition. "The OSCE is silent on massacre Constitutional traitors coalition made ??free vote the issue of mandates. This mission was to be the first to have to react to inequality vote traitors coalition decided Albanians. Albanians are frustrated by the non-fulfillment of the mission of the OSCE ODIHR, "concluded his speech Kreshnik Spahiu. During his speech, Spahiu focused on the economic crisis that has affected the country, and denounced the fact that the officials are doing everything to continue their enrichment.