Kaos me listat ne Tirane - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Nje muaj pas dates kur listat e zgjedhësve duhet te ishin afishuar, pothuajse asnjë njesi vendore ne Tirane nuk e ka bere kete. Por edhe ne rastet e minibashkive 3 apo 11 qe kane publikuar listat paraprake, ato jane me parregullsi. Kaosi me listat shkon edhe me tej, kur qendra te tera votimi nuk figurojne ne database e derguar nga drejtoria e gjendjes civile. Ne njesine numer pese ne Tirane, mungojne 12 qendra me mijera votues, ndersa te minibashkia 1, 700 votues te nje qendre votimi. Me te njejtat parregullsi ne lista po perballen edhe minibashkite qe drejtohen nga te djathtët. Per shkak te uljes se numrit ne nje qender votimi nen 700 persona, drejtoria e gjendjes civile nuk ka ndjekur rendin alfabetik te votuesve. Per ndarjen e qendrave te votimit thjesht eshte respektuar shifra, por pa verifikuar anetaret e familjes qe e gjejne veten te ndare ne dy apo tre qendra te ndryshme. Nderkohe drejtoria e Gjendjes Civile nuk ka asnje reagim zyrtar per kete situate. Ata te delegojne ne njesite e qeverisjes vendore, te cilet kane te drejte thjesht te bejne printimin dhe afishimin e listave, por jo te nderhyjne per ndryshime qofte dhe gramatikore te emrave. Sipas kodit zgjedhor cdo fillim muaji duhet te behet rishikimi i listave te zgjedhësve, por ende nuk dihet nese ne daten 3 shkurt minibashkite do te kene ne duar listat e sakta.

A month after the date on which the voter lists should have been posted, almost no local unit in Tirana has not done this. But even in the case of mini-municipalities 3 to 11 who have published preliminary lists, they are irregularities. Chaos lists goes even further, when the whole voting centers do not appear in the database sent by the directorate of civil status. Unit number five in Tirana, missing 12 centers with thousands of voters, while the municipality 1, the 700 voters to a polling station. With the same irregularities in the list are facing mini operated by the right. Due to the reduction of the number at a polling station under 700 persons, civil directorate does not follow the alphabetical order of the voters. Polling division is simply respected figures, but unverified family members who find themselves divided into two or three different centers. While the Department of Civil Status has no official reaction to this situation. They delegate to the local government units, which are entitled simply to do the printing and posting of lists, but not intervene if and grammatical changes to names. Under the election code at the beginning of each month must be revision of voters' lists, but it is not known if the date February 3 mini will have on hand accurate lists.