Rruga qe "izolon" Voskopojën - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Ndonese nje destinacion i rendesishem turistik i juglindjes, sidomos gjate dimrit, Voskopoja kete vit ka shënuar renie te numrit te vizitoreve.
Ne fakt, fshati dhe bukuritë e tij te njohura nuk kane ndryshuar: e vetmja pengese per frenimin e turisteve mbetet rruga qe lidh Korçën me fshatin e madh, e cila ne nje segment prej 8 kilometrash, eshte shume e amortizuar. Dëmtimi i rruges eshte nje nder elementet kryesor qe step pushuesit, duke ulur te ardhurat per 30 familje qe ofrojnë shërbime hoteliere si dhe gatime tradicionale. Per drejtuesit e komunës zgjidhja e vetme mbetet asfaltimi i rruges, qofte dhe riasfaltimi i përkohshëm, qofte dhe i pjesës me te dëmtuar te saj. Por dëmtime rrugësh jane evidente edhe ne fshatra te tjere turistike ne juglindje te vendit, e konkretisht ne Bellovode, Vithkuq, Boboshtice etj.

Although an important tourist destination of the southeast, especially during the winter, Voskopoja this year has seen a decrease in the number of visitors.
In fact, the village and its popular attractions have not changed: the only obstacle to curbing road remains tourists connecting Korca with large village, which is in a segment of 8 kilometers, it is very overused. Damage to the road is one of the main elements that step vacationers, reducing income for 30 families that offer catering services as well as traditional dishes. For municipal managers only solution remains the asphalt road, if and temporary riasfaltimi if and damaged part. But road damage are evident in other tourist villages in the southeast of the country, specifically in Bellovode, Vithkuq, Boboshtive.