Masat kundër terrorizmit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Komisioni i Ligjeve miratoi ne parim me konsensus projektligjin e ri per masat kunder financimit te terrorizmit.
Por relatori demokrat Viktor Gumi propozoi qe hartuesit e draftit te konsultohen serish me qeverine përpara votimit nga parlamenti, per nenin qe detyron avokatin, qe te raportoje rastet kur dyshon, se klienti i tij kryen pastrim parash. Sipas Gumit, eshte nje vendim i detyrueshëm per zbatim nga gjykata e Strasburgut, qe ruan konfidencialitetin e klientëve. Qëndrimi per kete çeshtje pertej debatit politik, ka nxjerre ne pah këndvështrime te ndryshme te deputeteve. Kjo detyroi palet te kerkojne opinionin e ekzekutivit dhe miratimi ne teresi i projektit, u shty ne kohe. Nder ndryshimet thelbësorë ne draftin e ri, detyrohet ministri i Jashtëm te raportoje ne qeveri per listen e personave ndërkombëtare qe financojnë terrorizmin. Kete funksion e ka kryer deri tani, zyra kunder pastrimit te parave. Ligji i jep mundësinë agjencisë qe lufton pastrimin e parave, te sekuestroje pronat apo llogari te personave apo organizatave jofitimprurëse qe jane te përfshira apo financojnë para per te ndihmuar ne kauza te terrorizmit.

The Law Commission approved in principle by consensus draft new measures against the financing of terrorism.
But Democratic rapporteur Viktor Gumi proposed that the drafters of the draft again consult with the government before the vote by Parliament, for the section that requires the lawyer to report cases where suspects that his client committed money laundering. According Gumi, is a binding decision for implementation of the Strasbourg court, which preserves the confidentiality of clients. Stance on this issue across the political debate has highlighted the different perspectives of the deputies. This forced the parties to seek the opinion of the executive and the adoption of a whole project, was delayed in time. Among the fundamental changes in the new draft, forced foreign minister report to the government on the international list of persons who finance terrorism. This function is carried out so far, anti-money laundering office. The law allows the agency that combats money laundering, or property levy behalf of individuals or non-profit organizations that are involved or fund money to help the cause of terrorism.

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