25 vjet burg Shaban Norjes - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

"Vetëm unë dhe zoti e di se sa jam penduar për vrasjen e vajzës....". Me këto fjale dhe i përlotur, Shaban Norja qe vrau dhe me pas i preu dhe kokën 18-vjeçares shtatzëne Ajshe Vata u dënua nga gjykata me 25 vite burg. Ky vendim i trupit gjykues se Durrësit erdhi pas i akuzuari pranoi krimin e kryer. Ne seancën e sotme nuk ka patur asnjë te afërm te 81-vjeçarit ne salle, ndërsa ardhja e tij është shoqëruar nen masa te rrepta sigurie. Trupi gjykues nuk mori ne konsiderate kërkesës e avokatit te Shaban Norjes, i cili kërkoi një dënim me te lehte për klientin e tij, i cili tashme jo vetëm është i penduar por është edhe ne moshe te madhe. Ngjarja e makabre tronditi qytetin e Durrësit ne 10 tetor te vitit te kaluar, teksa trupi i 18-vjeçares u gjet ne një fushe ne Xhavzotaj me koke te prere. Pasi nisen hetime rezultoi se vrasja u krye nga Shaban Norja 81 vjeç komshi me viktimen, me te cilën mësohet se ka patur edhe lidhje intime. 81-vjeçari pranoi atësinë e fetusit 3 muajsh te 18-vjeçares e cila ishte shtatzëne. Ka qene pikërisht kërkesa e Norjes për te abortuar fëmijën, kërkese e cila nuk është pranuar nga vajza. Kjo ka qene edhe arsyeja pse 81-vjeçari e vrau dhe me pas e masakroi Ajshe Vaten.

"Just me and God knows how much I regret for killing ....". With these words and tears, Saban Norja that killed him and then cut off and the head of 18-year-old pregnant Ajshe Vata was sentenced by the court to 25 years in prison. The decision of the panel that Durrës came after the accused confessed to the crime committed. In today's session there were no relatives of 81-year-old in the room, and his arrival was followed under strict security measures. The panel did not take into account demand a lawyer to Shaban Norjes, who asked for a light sentence for his client, who now not only repented but also great age. Macabre event shook the city of Durres on October 10 last year, while the body of 18-year-old was found in a field in Xhavzotaj beheaded. Once initiated investigations showed that the killing was carried out by Shaban Norja 81 years neighbor with the victim, which taught that there was also intimate connection. 81-year-old admitted paternity of the fetus 3 months to 18-year-old who was pregnant. It was exactly Norjes demand for an abortion, which request was rejected by the girl. This was also the reason why the 81-year-old killed and then massacred Ajshe wadding.