Korçë, Ujësjellësi 3 muaj pa paga - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 3

Prej tre muajsh punonjësit e ndërmarrjes se Ujësjellësit fshat ne rrethin e Korçes, nuk kane marre rrogat e tyre. Sipas drejtorit te kesaj ndërmarrje, Vasil Sterjovski, situata financiare ka ardhur duke u renduar qe nga viti 2011, kur qeveria vendosi nderprejen e subvencionit, per keto ndërmarrje. Paratë qe mblidhen nga faturat e ujit, sipas drejtuesve, shpenzohen per mirëmbajtje te rrjetit. Per shkak te kesaj situate, sipas drejtuesve, ka qene e pamundur qe paratë e punonjësve te ndërmarrjes se Ujësjellësit fshat ne Korçe te paguhen.

Three months of water utility workers village in the district of Korca, have not received their salaries. According to the director of this enterprise, Vasil Sterjovski, financial situation has been gravely since 2011, when the government decided cessation of subsidy for these enterprises. The money collected from water bills, according to executives, spent for the maintenance of the network. Because of this situation, according to the directors, it was impossible that money water utility workers village in Korca be paid.