Drenova, qyteza që jeton me borxhe - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 11

Nje prej banoreve te qytezës se Drenoves ne Korçe, e cila jeton bashke me djalin saj invalid, me te ardhurat qe ajo merr ne muaj nuk arrin dot qe te siguroje jetesën pa borxhe, madje edhe per ushqimin e përditshëm. Pothuajse te gjitha dyqanet e zonës kane nga nje deri deri ne tre fletore ku mbajnë evidencat e borxheve te banoreve. Kjo varfëri qe ka prekur kete fshat ka bere qe disa prej banoreve te kenë miliona leke borxh. Mospagesa e tyre ka sjelle qe edhe vete tregtaret te hyjnë ne borxhe tek dyqanet e shumicës. I quajtur ndryshe qyteti i minatorëve, Drenova nuk eshte larg me shume se 4 km larg nga qyteti i Korçes. I krijuar qe ne vitin 1952 me banore te ardhur nga shume zona te qarkut te Korçes, per vite me radhe meshkujt kane punuar ne minierën e Mborje-Drenoves, ndërsa gratë ne ferme. Me mbylljen e këtyre dy ndërmarrjeve pothuajse te gjithë banoret jane te papune. Përjashtim bëjnë vetëm 70 familje ne qytetin me afro 2000 banore qe marrin përkrahje sociale nga komuna e Drenovës. Ne kushte te tilla dyqanet jane te mbushur me lista pasi varfëria ne kete fshat vetem katër km larg nga qyteti me i madh juglindor i vendit është prezente ne çdo familje.

One of the inhabitants of the town that Drenova in Korce, who lives together with her ??disabled son, with the income that it receives per month fails to provide debt-free living, even for daily food. Almost all stores have an area up to three notebooks that keep records of debts to residents. This poverty has affected this village has led some residents to have million debt. Failure has brought himself traders enter into debt to most stores. I called the city of miners, Drenova is not more than 4 km from the city of Korca. Created in 1952 by residents come from many areas of the district of Korca, over the years men have worked in mine Mborje Drenova, while women on the farm. With the closing of these two companies almost all the residents are unemployed. Exceptions are only 70 families in the town with about 2000 residents who receive social support from the municipality of Drenova. In such conditions the shops are filled with the list as poverty in this village just four kilometers away from the big city southeast of the country is present in every household.