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Pacienti godet me karrige ndihmës mjekun - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Shenohet nje tjeter incident ne qendren spitalore universitare "Nene Tereza".
Nje ndihmes mjek eshte qelluar disa here me mjete te forta nga vete pacienti, pasi nuk i ka bere ne kohe nje procedure, me pajisen per te cilen ishte specializuar. Sipas drejtesve te spitalit, arsyeja e zvarritjes se procedures ishte nje problem me energjine elektrike. Por, ky argument nuk ka bindur pacientin, i cili ka qelluar me karrige hekuri ndihmes mjekun dhe eshte larguar fare nga spitali. Nderkohe, ai nuk eshte identifikuar ende, pasi emri me te cilin ishte regjistruar dyshohet te jete i rreme ose i ndryshuar per efekt dokumentacioni.

Noted another incident at the University Hospital Center "Mother Teresa".
An assistant doctor was shot several times with strong tools from the patient himself, as it has done in the time a procedure provided for which it was specialized. According drejtesve the hospital, the reason for the delay of the procedure was a problem with the electricity. But this argument did not convince the patient, who has shot with iron chairs and physician assistance is removed at the hospital. Meanwhile, he has not been identified yet, as the name under which it was registered is suspected to be false or altered documents effect.