Musa Skura shpallet Deshmor - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 10

Trupi i pajete i Musa Skures, ish-shefit te krimeve te komisariat te Matit, i cili humbi jeten pasi u plagos rende ne krye te detyres, pritet te mberrije neser me traget ne portin e Durresit. Burime nga policia e shtetit bene me dije se me miratimin e familjareve, ai do te sillet ne Tirane ku ne oren 11:00 do te nisin homazhet, ne shtepine qendrore te ushtrise dhe me pas do te percillet per ne varrezat e Deshmoreve, ku do te zhvillohet edhe ceremonia. Nderkohe, diten e sotme komisioni per dhenien e statusit dëshmor prane ministrisë se Mbrojtjes, e ka shpallur Skuren deshmor te Atdheut. Komisari Musa Skura u qellua gjate nje aksioni policor kunder trafikanteve te armeve ne fshatin Suç te Matit. Plumbat i shkaktuan atij plage te renda ne disa organe jetesore. Ndonese komisari u dergua per kurim ne Foxhia te Italise, fatkeqesisht ai nuk mbijetoi dot.

Lifeless body of Musa Skures, former chief of the crimes to the police station to Mat, who died after being seriously injured in the line of duty, is expected to arrive tomorrow by ferry to the port of Durres. State police sources indicated that the approval of the family, he will behave in Tirana where at 11:00 will start tributes, in the central house of the army, and then will be forwarded to the tombs of the martyrs, where will developed the ceremony. Meanwhile, this day the commission for granting the status of a martyr at the Ministry of Defence has announced Skuren Homeland Martyrs. Commissioner Musa Skura was shot during a police action against arms traffickers Suç village of Mat. Bullets caused him serious injuries in some vital organs. Although the commissioner was sent for treatment in Foxhia Italy, unfortunately he survived the dot.