Ambasadoret takojnë Panaritin për Preshevën - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Zhvillimet e diteve te fundit ne Presheve dhe qendrimet e Tiranes, Prishtines dhe Beogradit kane vene ne levizje ambasadore te vendeve te ndryshme ne Shqiperi.
Ata kane kerkuar informacione te detajuara mbi menyren se si i shikon Shqiperia keto zhvillime, ndaj dhe kane marre e po marrin te dhena nga ministri i Jashtem Edmond Panariti. Ne mengjes, ishte ambasadori amerikan Arvizu, i cili u takua me kryediplomatin shqiptar, me te cilin ka diskutuar qendrimin e pales shqiptare per situaten ne Presheve. Me vone gjate dites, Panariti do te kete takime edhe me ambasadorin e Bashkimit Europian Ettore Sequi, me kreun e prezences se OSBE-së Wollfarth si dhe me ambasadoret e Britanise, Gjermanise dhe Frances. Nga ana tjeter edhe komisioni i Jashtem Parlamentar ka marre te dhena mbi ngjarjet ne Presheve nga perfaqesues te ministrise se Jashtme.

Developments of recent days in Presevo and attitudes of Tirana, Pristina and Belgrade have moved ambassadors of different countries in Albania.
They have requested detailed information on how you look at Nigeria these developments, thus obtained, and are receiving data from the Ministry of Foreign Edmond Panariti. In the morning, was U.S. Ambassador Arvizu, who met with Albanian's top diplomat, with whom he discussed the Albanian party stance on the situation in Presevo. Later in the day, Panariti will have meetings with European Union Ambassador Ettore Sequi, the head of the OSCE presence Wollfarth and the ambassadors of Britain, Germany and France. On the other hand the Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Commission has received data on events in Presevo by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.