Masat e policisë për tubimin - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Tubimi homazh i opozitës ne nderim te viktimave te 21 janarit ka angazhuar qindra forca policore ne Tiranë.
Masat e forta te sigurise u morën per përballimin e çdo lloj situate ne marshimin e opozitës ne Bulevard dhe para kryeministrisë. Qindra forca policie nga te gjashte komisariatet e kryeqytetit kane marre ne ruajtje objektet e rendësise te veçante, si kryeministrinë, kryesine e kuvendin dhe presidencën. Ne oren 11:00 qindra trupa krijuan nje kordon përpara selise se qeverise duke mos lejuar qarkullimin. Ndërsa policia e Tiranës ka bere te ditur, se nuk ka ndryshuar shkalla e gatishmerise. Krahas forcave te rendit te qarkullimit rrugor dhe ato speciale te cilat qëndronin ne furgonat e parkuara përballë hotel Rogner edhe Garda e Republikës ka shtuar numrin e zakonshëm te forcave ne ambientet përreth kryeministrisë. Ndersa ne krah te godines se këshillit te ministrave ndodheshin makinat ujehedhese, te blera pas zgjedhjeve te 8 majit. Por ndërsa gjithçka ne shesh ka kaluar pa probleme, nje incident eshte shënuar ne rrugen "Pedonale" afer kinema Millenium, teksa policia bashkiake nuk ka lejuar futjen e automjeteve te televizioneve qe do te transmetonin direkt aktivitetin e opozitës. Ne nje reagim te tij kreu i Policisë Bashkiake, Vullnet Topalli, beri te ditur se PS-ja nuk kërkoi leje per futjen e automjeteve tek rruga "Pedonale". Sipas Topallit, mjetet nuk lejohet te kalojnë ne rrugen "Murat Toptani", por nese PS-ja do te kishte bere nje kërkese 24 ore me pare kjo gje do te ishte mundësuar.

Homage opposition rally in honor of victims of the January 21 has engaged hundreds of police forces in Tirana.
Strong security measures were taken to cope with any situation in opposition march Boulevard and first prime minister. Hundreds of police forces from six stations in the capital have taken into custody the objects of special significance, as the Premiership, the leadership of the parliament and the presidency. At 11:00 hundreds of troops formed a cordon in front of the government not allowing circulation. While Tirana police has announced, that does not change the degree of preparedness. In addition to traffic enforcement and special that stood in vans parked in front of the hotel Rogner Guard of the Republic has increased the number of ordinary forces around the prime minister's premises. While in the side of the building that the council of ministers were cars ujehedhese, purchased after May 8 elections. But while everything in the site has gone smoothly, an incident was recorded on the road "Pedonale" near Millenium cinema, as municipal police did not allow the introduction of vehicles that will be broadcast television direct opposition activity. In his reaction head of the Municipal Police, Will Topalli, announced that the SP did not seek permission for the introduction of vehicles on the road "Pedonale". According to Topalli, this is not allowed to go on the road, "Murat Toptani", but if the SP would have made ??a request 24 hour...