Qyteti Studenti humbet identitetin - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 3

Nuk eshte me qyteti i veçante brenda kryeqytetit, por nje lagje e Tiranës. Qyteti Studenti sot ka humbur kuptimin dhe qëllimin per te cilin u ngrit. Ne te nuk ka vetem te rinj, por mosha te ndryshme te cilet prej vitesh janë banore te Qytetit Studenti. Shtëpitë dhe pallatet e ndërtuara përreth tij kane tkurrur sipërfaqen e qytezës, ndërsa ambientet qe dikur ishin vetëm te studenteve sot janë per te gjithë. Kinematë, bibliotekat apo qendrat e tjera kane ndërruar funksion dhe administrohen nga privatet. Sipas studenteve i vetmi vend qe mund te quhet i tyre edhe pse i përkohshëm, jane dhomat 20 metra katrore. Drejtuesit e Qytetit Studenti, pranojnë se as kjo qyteze nuk i ka shpëtuar ndërtimeve dhe dyndjes se banoreve te ardhur nga rrethet. Pavarësisht përpjekjeve per te hipotekuar sipërfaqen prej 168 mije metrash katror, edhe shtëpitë e ndërtuara këtu janë ne proces legalizimi. Per ata qe kane jetuar ne Qytetin Studenti te cilet nuk jane te pakte, tjetërsimi eshte i dukshëm. Ish-studenti Afrim Krasniqi thotë se Qyteti Studenti ka humbur kuptimin, qëllimin dhe nuk ofron thuajse asnje shërbim per te rinjtë e sotëm. Qyteti Studenti u ndërtua ne vitin 1957 pas hapjes se universitetit te Tiranës. Fillimisht ne te kishte vetëm kater godina, por me vone numri i tyre shkoi ne 29, ku se bashku me ambientet e tjera ajo u kthye ne nje qendër te mirëfillte studentore.

There is particular within the capital city, but a quarter of Tirana.
Student City today has lost its meaning and purpose for which they were raised. We not only young, but different age who for years have been residents of the City of Students. Houses and palaces built around it have shrunk the area of the town, and facilities that were once only to students today are for everyone. Cinemas, libraries and other centers have changed the function and managed by private entities. According to students, the only place that can be called that though temporary, are rooms 20 square meters. Student City leaders admit that even this town has not escaped the building and congestion that residents come from districts. Despite efforts to mortgaging land area of 168 thousand square meters, built homes here are in the process of legalization. For those who have lived on campus who are not few, alienation is palpable. Former student Afrim Krasniqi says student city has lost its meaning, purpose and does not offer almost any service to the youth of today. Student City was built in 1957 after the opening of the University of Tirana. Initially we had only four buildings, but later their number went to 29, where together with other facilities it became a genuine student center.