ERE: Të hënën vendimi për CEZ - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Te henen ne daten 21 janar Enti Rregullator i Energjise elektrike merr vendimin per heqjen e licencës se kompanise CEZ. Po ate dite do te shpallet edhe Administratori i ri shteteror i CEZ, mes pese kandidateve qe ju prezantuan kete te premte ERE-s ne nje seance degjimore. Pavaresisht se te gjithe vinin nga eksperienca te ndryshme ne drejtimin e degeve rajonale te energjise elektrike, me e favorizuara duket kandidatura e Sait Dollapit. Dollapi ka drejtuar per kater vite deri ne 2009 OSSH-në, ndersa aktualisht eshte drejtori i Ujesjellesit te Tiranes. Gjate prezantimit te pikëpamjes se tij per drejtimin e kompanise se shpërndarjes, Dollapi paralajmëroi nderprerje te furnizimit me drita per te gjithe ata qe nuk paguajne energjinë elektrike, duke hedhur idene se nuk do te pranoje nderhyrjen e politikes per falje te debive edhe pse jemi para zgjedhjeve te pergjithshme parlamentare. Ne gare per administrimin e CEZ, përveç dollapit jane Artan Topi, Genc Gjergjani, Rezart Isufi dhe Agron Seseri, ndersa kandidatura e Onorinda Jates u skualifikua pasi ajo punon aktualisht ne CEZ. Posti i administratorit shteteror do te jete i perkohshem, pasi qeveria synon te rimekembe rrjetin e shpërndarjes pas problematikes se madhe qe shfaqi ne keto vite me privatizimin e tij. aktualisht humbjet ne rrjet kapërcejnë shifren e 43%, ndërkohë qe para privatizimit ishin 31.7%.

On Monday, the date January 21 Electric Power Regulatory Authority decides to revoke the license of the company CEZ. But that day will be declared the new state administrator of CEZ, among five candidates you presented this Friday ERE in a hearing. Despite all come from different experiences in the management of each branch of electricity, with the favored seems Sait candidacy closet. Cupboard has run for four years until 2009 DSO, and is currently the director of Tirana Water Supply. During the presentation of his view on the direction of the distribution company, supply interruptions warned closet light for all those who do not pay electricity, throwing the idea that it will not accept the intervention of the policy for forgiveness of debts although we are before election parliamentary general. In the race for the administration of CEZ, except cupboard are Artan Topi, Genc Gjergjani, Rezart Isufi and Agron Seseri, while Onorinda candidacy Life Expectancy was disqualified after the it works currently in the CEZ. State Administrator position will be temporary, as the government seeks to recover after major problematic distribution network that showed in these years with its privatization. net losses currently exceed the figure of 43%, while that before privatization were 31.7%.