Dy kandidatet për ILDKP-në - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 5

Komisioni parlamentar i Ligjeve miratoi dy kandidaturat e dekretuara nga presidenti i Republikës, per te garuar per postin e Kryeinspektorit te Deklarimit dhe Kontrollit te Pasurive. Opozita abstenoi, duke kundeshtuar kriterin politik ne perzgjedhjen e kandidateve. Kandidatja Zana Xhuka tha se nuk kishte dëshmuar profil politik përgjatë 7 viteve ne detyrën e Zv/ministres se mbrojtjes. Edhe kandidati tjeter, Shkelqim Ganaj, i cili vjen nga radhet e prokurorisë, por edhe me nje karriere gati 9-vjeçare ne detyren si inspektor i larte ne ILDKP, pohoi se asnjehere nuk ka qene anetar i ndonje force politike. Parlamenti pritet te votoje ne seancën e se hënës zëvendësuesin e Adriatik Llalles, ne krye te ILDKP, pasi ky i fundit u emërua Prokuror i Përgjithshëm.

Parliamentary committee approved two bids Laws enacted by the President of the Republic, to compete for the position of Superintendent of the Declaration and Audit of Assets. The opposition abstained, objected to the political criteria in the selection of candidates. Candidate Zana Xhuka said he had witnessed political profile over 7 years in the office of the Deputy / Minister of Defense. Another candidate, Shkelqim Ganaj, who comes from the ranks of the prosecution, but also with a nearly 9-year career in the job as senior inspector in HIDAA, said that was never a member of any political party. Parliament is expected to vote in Monday's session replacement the Adriatic Llalles, on top of HIDAA, since the latter was appointed Attorney General.