Mandatet kalojnë nga Kuvendi - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Parlamenti fut ne procedure miratimi, rishperndarjen e mandateve parlamentare. Kreu i Komisionit te Ligjeve, demokrati Ilir Rusmali njoftoi se ne 22 janar do te shqyrtohet propozimi i administratës se KQZ, per ndarjen e re te deputeteve ne qarqe.
Por ky vendim i mazhorances per ta miratuar me forcën e kartonit ndarjen e mandateve, ka ngjallur reagimin jo vetem te opozitës por edhe te aleatit LSI, e cila kundërshton zbritjen e numrit te deputeteve ne Berat. Ndersa partia Socialiste deklaron se legjitimiteti i procesit elektoral te 23 qershorit do te vihet ne pikëpyetje, nese mazhoranca miraton njëanshëm rishperndarjen e mandateve parlamentare. PS kerkoi me force te dhenat shtese per levizjen e popullsisë ne disa komuna ne Kukes, duke hedhur dyshime se shifrat e gjendjes civile jane fiktive, nje instrument i perdorur nga qeveria per te mbajtur ne menyre te padrejte nje mandat ne qarkun verior.

Entered Parliament in the adoption procedure, reallocation of parliamentary seats. The head of the Commission of Laws, Democrat Ilir Rusmali announced that on January 22 will be reviewed CEC administration's proposal, new sharing deputies in circles.
But the majority decision to approve the strength of paperboard allocation of seats, has sparked reactions not only from the opposition but also LSI ally, which opposes the reduction of the number of deputies in Berat. While the Socialist party declares that the legitimacy of the electoral process to June 23 will be put into question if the majority approves unilateral reallocation of parliamentary seats. PS strongly requested additional data on the movement of the population in some municipalities in Kukes, throwing doubts that civil figures are fictitious, an instrument used by the government to keep us unfairly in office in the northern district.