Rinisin reshjet në veri dhe juglindje - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 3

Pas diteve me diell dhe mot te mire te fillim janarit, ne vend rikthehen reshjet e debores. Keshtu, zona juglindore eshte perfshire qe prej mesnates se te premtes nga temperaturat e uleta dhe debaora, e cila ka sjelle probleme ne akset rrugore, Boboshtice- Dardhe, Voskopoje dhe Liqenas. Keto akse, jane te kalueshme vetem me zinxhire. Moti i keq ka lene gjithashtu pa energji elektrike tre komuna te qarkut te Korçes, prej 24 oresh, si Moglice, Lozhan dhe Miras. Trashesia e debores, ne Dardhe dhe Voskopoje raportohet te kete shkuar ne 20 centimetra. Ndersa ne verilindje te vendit, edhe pse kane rinisur reshjet e debores situata eshte me pak problematike. Reshjet me intensitet te ulet, kane bere qe trashësia e dëborës te arrije ne 10 centimetra ne zonat e prekura, kryesisht ne qarkun e Kukesit. Por, ne disa prek akse rrugore te kesaj zone, si ne Kukes- Qafe Prush, Kukes- Krume dhe Bajram Curri eshte i domosdoshëm perdorimi i zinxhireve per shkak te shtresave te akullit. Nuk raportohet ende ndonje fshat i izoluar. Nderkohe, sipas sinoptikaneve, temperaturat e ulta, reshjet e debores dhe ato te shiut do te vijojne pergjate gjithe javes qe vjen, perjashto kete te diele, ku do te kete nje permiresim te lehte te motit.

After days of sunshine and good weather to early January instead return snowfall. Thus, the eastern area is included as of midnight Friday by lower temperatures and debaora, which has caused problems in road axes, Boboshtice Pears, Voskopoja and Liqenas. These axes are only passable with chains. Bad weather has also left without electricity three district municipalities of Korca, 24 hours, Moglice, Lozhan and Miras. Thickness of snow, in Pears and Voskopoja reported to have gone to 20 centimeters. While in the northeast of the country, even though they have resumed snowfall situation is less problematic. Low intensity rainfall have led to the thickness of the snow reaches 10 centimeters in the affected areas, mainly in the region of Kukes. But, in some touches road axes of the area, such as Kukes-Qafe Prush, Kukes-Krum and Bajram Curri is necessary the use of chains because of the ice sheet. Not yet reported any isolated village. Meanwhile, according sinoptikaneve, low temperatures, heavy snow and rain will continue throughout the coming week, excluding this Sunday, where there will be a slight improvement of the weather.