Vendimi i ERE për CEZ - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Bordi drejtues i Entit Rregullator te Energjise vendosi sot qe administrimi i sistemit te shperndarjes se energjise te behet nga shteti, ne rast se qeveria do t'i heqe licencen kompanise CEZ. Bordi vendosi gjithashtu, qe te shpalle ne media konkursin per vendin e administratorit publik, duke e finalizuar procesin me perzgjedhjen e kandidatit me te mire. Sipas Entit Rregullator, ky hap i paraprin vendimit perfundimtar te qeverise per licencen e CEZ Shperndarje, per te mos krijuar boshllek dhe kaos ne furnizimin me energji, nese kompania çeke largohet nga Shqiperia. Enti sqaron se ky administrator shteteror do te jete ne detyre deri ne kohen kur ne vend te ofrohet nje kompani tjeter e interesuar per marrjen e sektorit te shperndarjes se energjise.

Board of Energy Regulatory Office ruled today that the management of power distribution system is done by the state, if the government will revoke the license company CEZ. The Board also decided to announce in the media contest for public administrator place to finalize the selection process of the best candidate. According to the Regulatory Authority, this step precedes the government's final decision on the license of CEZ Distribution, not to create vacuum and chaos in power supply, if the Czech company leave Albania. Office explains that the state manager will be on duty until they instead offered to another company interested in getting the electricity distribution sector.