Kaos me listat e votuesve - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Kaos me listat e votuesve per zgjedhjet e 23 qershorit.
Listat e publikuara on line jane me parregullsi te medha dhe per kete aryse drejtoria e gjendjes civile, u ka kerkuar minibashkive te pezullojne afishimin e tyre. drejtuesit e minibashkise nr. 5, pohojne se ne daten 3 janar sipas kodit zgjedhor listat duhet te afishoheshin ne çdo gjendje civile por eshte vene re se pjesëtarët e dhjetëra familjeve, jane ndare ne qendra te ndryshme votimi. Duket se drejtoria e gjendjes civile gjate reduktimit te numrit te votuesve ne nje qender nga jo me shume se nje mije ne jo me shume se 700, nuk ka marre parasysh trungun familjar te votuesve. Nderkohe drejtuesit e minibashkive qe drejtohen nga demokratet, e shohin me te zbutur problemin. Ata i kane afishuar tashme listat edhe pse me gabime, ne pritje te abdeitimit te tyre nga drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Gjendjes Civile. Drejtuesit e Gjendjes Civile te kontaktuar ne telefon nga vizion plus, deklarojne se lista me rregullime, do te dale ne ditet ne vijim, pa sqaruar, se perse ajo paraprake nuk u verifikua, para afatit per publikimin e saj.

Kaos with voter lists for the June 23 elections.
Lists published on line are major irregularities and for this reason the Department of Civil, asked the mini-municipalities to suspend their posting. mini leaders no. 5, allege that on January 3 under the election code lists should afishoheshin in any civil state but it is noted that members of dozens of families are divided into different voting centers. It seems that the Department of Civil during the reduction of the number of voters in an office by not more than one thousand in not more than 700, did not take into account the family tree of voters. Meanwhile, leaders of the mini-municipalities run by Democrats, view to mitigate the problem. They have already posted lists despite mistakes, pending their abdeitimit by the Directorate General of Civil Status. Civil leaders contacted by phone plus vision, claim that the list of settings will appear in the following days, without explaining why it was not preliminary verification, before the deadline for its publication.