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2015-11-22 0

Posteri i madh me logon e fushates se ardhshme elektorale "Rilindje" ka mbuluar gjithe fasaden e zyrave te partise me te madhe opozitare. Nje pjese e drejtuesve te partise, jane ende duke pushuar e nuk jane kthyer ne detyre. Por ka edhe struktura qe funksionojnë. Duket se kjo eshte ngjarja me e rendesishme politike e dites, e per kete shkak edhe vemendja e mediave eshte perqenduar tek zhvillimet brenda partise Socialiste. Demokratet kane qene prezente ne media vetem permes zyres se shtypit, por jeta partiake nuk ka nisur ende. Kete te shtune asnje eksponent i larte nuk ka shkuar ne zyrat e partise. Angazhimi per me shume se 7 vite ne qeverisje, i ka lene gjurmet ne mungesen e vemendjes edhe ne shfaqjen formale, ne seline e partise. Por ndryshe nga demokratet, aleatet e tyre ne qeverisje, LSI eshte perfshire ne nje ristrukturim te thelle. Pas konventes qe mbajten fundvitin e kaluar per zgjedhjen e forumeve te reja drejtuese, kete fillimviti eshte menduar te shtohen zyrat partiake ne seline qendrore. Ne partine e ish presidentit Bamir Topi, zyra qe qendron hapur edhe te shtunen eshte ajo e anetaresimeve. Me aktive, duke e ruajtur profilin e veçante edhe pse atmosfera e festave te nderrimit te viteve nuk ka kaluar ende, duket Aleanca Kuq e zi. Ata kane tubuar ne terren duke kundershtuar planin urbanistik te Tiranes, ndersa aktiviste te tjere punojne ne zyra, per programin e dites se neserme. 23 qershori, kur mbahen zgjedhjet e pergjithshme parlamentare nuk eshte larg per asnjërën nga forcat politike.

Large poster with the logo of the upcoming election campaign "Renaissance" has covered the entire facade of the largest opposition party offices.
A part of the party leaders, are still relaxing and not returned to duty. But there are also structures that function. It seems that this is the most important political event of the day, and for this reason the media attention is concentrate on the developments within the Socialist party. Democrats have been present in the media only through press office party but life has not begun yet. This Saturday no higher exponent has not gone to the party offices. Commitment for more than 7 years in government, has left traces in the lack of attention in formal screening party headquarters. But unlike the Democrats, their allies in government, LSI has been involved in a deep restructuring. After the convention was held last end for the selection of new management forums, this beginning is intended to increase party offices to headquarters. In the party of former President Bamir Topi, office staying open on Saturdays is that of membership. Active, while maintaining separate profile even though the atmosphere of New Year holiday has not passed yet, it seems Black Red Alliance. They gathered in the field by opposing the urban plan of Tirana, while other activists working in the office, on the program of the next day. June 23, when the parliamentary general election is held is not away for any of the political forces.