2012 ishte nje thellim i mëtejshëm i krizes ekonomike ne sektorin e ndërtimit.
Firma me aktivitet zero, ulje pagash deri ne 30 % per te punësuarit, rritje e borxhit nga ana e qeverise si dhe apartamente te pashitura. Ky ishte viti qe po leme pas per sektorin e ndërtimit, i cili shenoi vitin e katërt te krizes, dhe qe numeron rreth 2 mije kompanitë mbyllura. Ndersa lidhur me planin e ri rregullues te Tiranës, shoqata e ndërtuesve ka përgëzuar miratimin e tij, pasi ishte nje veprim i shumëpritur. Por nga ana tjeter ndërtuesit kane disa vërejtje, pasi sipas tyre plani rrezikon te favorizoje klientelizmin. Meqenëse viti 2013 eshte nje vit elektoral, ndërtuesit kane disa propozime per partitë politike, ndaj te cilave kërkojnë qe kërkesat e tyre te behen pjese e programeve politike. Ndertimi ka qene sektori me i prekur nga kriza ekonomike me keto vitet e fundit. Bllokimi i ndërtimeve ne Tirane, por edhe ngerçi i plote i kreditimit ka bere qe ndërtimi te shënoje rënie te ndjeshme ne ekonominë e vendit.
2012 was a further deepening of the economic crisis in the construction sector.
Firms with zero activity, wage cuts of up to 30% for employees, by the government debt growth and unsold apartments. This was the year we are leaving behind for the construction sector, which marked the fourth year of the crisis, and that counts about 2 thousand companies closed. While related to new regulatory plan of Tirana, builders association has praised his approval, because it was a long-awaited move. But on the other builders have some remarks, as to them endangers plan to encourage clientelism. Since 2013 is an election year, builders have some proposals for political parties, to which require that requests to be part of political programs. The construction sector has been affected by the economic crisis in recent years. Blocking buildings in Tirana, but full credit crunch has led to decline significantly in building the economy.