Shkodër, shpërthen gazi vdesin babë e bijë - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Nje ngjarje e rende ka ndodhur mbrëmjen e se merkures ne qytetin e Shkodres, ne familjen e Dede Luces. Shpërthimi i nje bombule gazi i ka marre jeten kryefamiljarit 60- vjeçar Luca si dhe vajzes se tij 14- vjeçe Silvana Luca. Ne gjendje kritike per jeten eshte bashkëshortja Tone Luca. Pas shpërthimit, banesa e tyre eshte perfshire nga flaket. Ne vendngjarje rreth ores 22:30, kane mbërritur forcat zjarrfikëse, policia dhe urgjenca. Punonjësit zjarrfikës dhe policia kane bere te mundur shuarjen e zjarrit dhe nxjerrjen e tre familjareve Luca. At e bije kane gjetur vdekjen e menjëhershme ndersa gruaja 53 -vjeçare eshte rende per shkak te plagëve te shumta ne trup. Te tronditur nga ngjarja, jashte kameras fqinjet tregojne se familja Luca po kremtonte Shen Gjonin, nje feste tradicionale per katoliket. Madje ne darke ndodheshin edhe dy te te aferm te tjere te cilet per fat te mire kane dale para shpërthimit. Çifti Luca ka edhe dy djem te cilet jetojne prej vitesh ne Shtetet e Bashkuara. Ndërkohë policia po heton shkaqet e shpërthimit qe u mori jeten dy pjesëtareve te familjes Luca dhe nje tjeter u plagos rende.
A serious event occurred Wednesday evening in the city of Shkodra, in the family of Dede Luces. The explosion of a gas cylinder has received head life 60-year-old Luca and his daughter 14-year-old Silvana Luca. In critical condition for life is Luca Sound wife. After the explosion, their apartment was in flames. In the scene at about 22:30, have arrived firefighting forces, police and emergency. Firefighters and police staff have made possible the fire and the issuance of three members Luca. At The daughter have immediate died while 53-year-old woman was seriously due to multiple wounds in the body. Shaken by the event, outside camera show neighbors Luca family is celebrating St. John, a traditional celebration for Catholics. Even in the evening were also two other relatives who luckily have come before the blast. Luca couple has two sons who live for years in the United States. Meanwhile, police are investigating the causes of the explosion that took the life two Luca family members and a another was seriously injured.

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