Eksperti i kerkuar nga mbrojtja ne procesin per 21 janarin ka deshmuar ne gjykate, duke pohuar se plumbi qe vrau demonstruesin Ziver Veizi para portes se kryeministrisë ka goditur me pare nje objekt te drunjte.
Gani Jahelezi tha se nga shqyrtimi i bere provave rezulton se shenjat e vjaskave ne relievin e tyre mund te bejne te mundur shkeputjen e copëzave nga objekti i drunjte, ato mund te bien, ose mund te udhëtojnë bashke me plumbin, siç ka ndodhur ne rastin konkret. Kjo është arsyeja sipas ekspertit Jahelezi, se pse ne rrobat e Ziver Veizit jane gjetur pjese te vogla te drunjta. Ndersa eksperti tjeter i kerkuar nga prokuroria, dritan zoto, tha ne seance se nuk kishte krijuar ende bindjen mbi faktin nese plumbi ishte rikoshet apo jo. Zoto kërkoi materiale fotografike ku te dukeshin copëzat e drunjta. Pas kërkesës, gjykata i ofroi ekspertit nje material filmik, ku tregohej këqyrja e rrobave te viktimës Ziver Veizi nga eksperti i pare ne proces, Ndoc Cardaku. Pas marrjes se provave, eksperti Dritan Zoti pritet te jape konkluzionet e tij ne seancen e radhes. Dëshmitë e eksperteve ne procesin per vrasjen e 21 janarit vijnë pasi gjykata rrezoi disa seanca me pare dëshminë e ekspertit Ndoc Cardaku, i cili deklaroi se vrasja e Ziver Veizit ndodhi me nje plumb rikoshet. Ky fakt hasi ne kundërshtimin e prokurorisë, cka detyroi gjykatën te caktonte nga nje ekspert per secilën pale, per te dhene vlerësimet e tyre. Per vrasjen e Ziver Veizit akuzohet ish-gardisti Agim Llupo.
Expert search in the process protection for January 21 testified in court, claiming that the lead that killed demonstrators Ziver Veizi before the gate of the prime minister has previously hit a wooden object.
Gani Jahelezi said that examination of the evidence shows that bore signs in their relief may enable the separation of particles from the scope of the trees, they may fall, or can travel together with impurities, as has happened in this case . That is why by expert Jahelezi, why in Ziver clothes Veizi been found small pieces of timber. While another expert asked by the prosecution, dritan commit, said in the hearing that was not created yet convinced on whether the bullet was a ricochet or not. Zoto asked photographic material which seemed wooden pieces. Upon request, the court provided an expert footage, showing examination of the victim's clothes Ziver Veizi First Expert process Ndoc Cardaku. After receiving the evidence, Dritan expert Lord is expected to give his conclusions in the next session. Expert testimony in the process of killing 21 January come after the court dropped a few sessions before expert testimony Ndoc Cardaku, who said that killing Ziver Veizi happened with a ricochet bullet. This fact encountered in the prosecutor's objection, which forced the court to appoint an expert for each party, to give their assessments. For the murder of Ziver Veizi accused former gardisti Sunrise Llupo.