Shkoder, gjenden dy kushërinjtë e mbytur - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Pas ore te tera kërkimesh, polumbaret kane gjetur trupat e pajete te dy kushërinjve Alfons dhe Paskualino Kolndrekaj nga fshati Stajke i Shkodrës, si dhe makinen qe ata udhetonin.
Pas nje sere zhytjesh ne ujerat e lumit Drin, rreth ores 14:00, polumbaret e kane gjetur makinen 10 metra larg bregut dhe 8 metra ne thellësi te Lumit. Ne vendngjarje ka mberritur vinçi, i cili ka nxjerre makinën tip "golf katër" dhe dy te rinjte e pajete qe ndodheshin brenda saj. Nxjerrja e mjetit dhe trupave te pajete eshte shoqëruar me britma dhe te qara nga te aferimit, te cilet gjate gjithe kohes kane ndjekur me ankth operacionin e kërkimit. Kane qene familjaret e dy te rinjve qe njoftuan policinë se Alfons dhe Paskualin Kolndrekaj, 20 dhe 22 vjeç, kishin përfunduar ne lume bashke me mjetin e tyre. Te rinjtë ishin nisur pasditen e 24 dhjetorit nga fshati Stajke drejt Shkodres per te festuar Krishtlindjen dhe rrugës humben kontaktet me familjaret. Këta te fundit ishin sinjalizuar se kushërinjtë, djem xhaxhallarësh, por ecnin me shume shpejtësi drejt Shkodrës. Por pasi kane pare shenjat e frenimit ne rruge dhe dëmtimin e mureve mbrojtjes ne kthesën e Beltojes, familjaret dyshuan se te rinjtë kishin përfunduar ne lume.

After endless hours of research, Diving have found the remains of two cousins ??Alfons and Paskualino Kolndrekaj village Stajka Shkodra, and the car they traveled.
After a series of plunging into the waters of the river Drin, around 14:00, Diving have found the car 10 meters from the coast and 8 feet in depth of the river. The scene has arrived crane, which has issued type car "golf four" and two youth dead that were in it. Extraction of the vehicle and the carcass is accompanied by singing and weeping from aferimit, who at all times have followed with anxiety the search operation. Were two young family members told police that Alfons and Paskualin Kolndrekaj, 20 and 22 years, had ended in the river along with their vehicle. The young people were given the afternoon of 24 December the village Stajka to Shkodra to celebrate Christmas and the road lost contact with the family. These latter were signaled cousins??, sons, uncles, but moving more rapidly towards Shkodra. But, having seen signs of braking on the road and in the defense walls damage Beltojes turnaround, family suspected that the youth had finished in the river.