Vendimi i partisë Demokratike per te mos e vene ne lëvizje Kolegjin Zgjedhor krijon nje situate te paqarte lidhur me çeshtjen e ndarjes se mandateve per zgjedhjet e 2013-es. Ish kreu i KQZ Kristaq Kume gjykon, se Komisioni Qendror i Zgjedhjeve, i cili nje muaj me pare nuk mori dot vendim per kete çeshtje duhet ta shqyrtoje serish ndarjen e mandateve dhe me konsensus te miratoje vendimin, qe kerkon shumice te cilësuar. Por sipas Kumes ne rast se palet nuk arrijne te gjejne kompromis per shkak te mandateve ne qarkun e Kukësit atëherë Kodi Zgjedhor parashikon qe ne zgjedhje mund te shkohet me ndarjen e vjetër te 2009-ës. Te henen skadoi afati 30 ditor qe kodi ka parashikuar per t'iu drejtuar Kolegjit Zgjedhor dhe partia Demokratike ndryshe nga sa kishte paralajmëruar nuk e ankimoi vendimin per ndarjen e mandateve. Sipas maxhorances ne kete situate mbetet ne fuqi ndarja ekzistuese, ku Kukësi ka 4 mandate deputetesh dhe Berati 8 te tilla, ndërkohë qe sipas partisë socialiste KQZ ka detyrimin te marre edhe njëherë ne shqyrtim vendimin ne fjale.
Democratic party's decision not to set in motion the Electoral College creates an uncertain situation regarding the issue of sharing seats for elections 2013. Former head of the CEC Kristaq Kume considers that the Central Election Commission, which a month ago not received a decision on this issue should review the allocation of seats again and by consensus adopt decision requiring a qualified majority. But according Kumes in the event that the parties fail to reach a compromise because of mandates Kukes then the Electoral Code provides that the election can go with old division for 2009. Monday expired 30-day deadline that provides code to address the Electoral College and Democratic party different from what had warned not appealed the decision on the allocation of seats. According to the majority in this situation remains in the existing division, where Kukes has 4 seats of deputies and Berat 8 such, while the Socialist Party CEC is obliged to take once we review the decision in question.