Nje vit pa Adriatik Kallullin - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Gati nje vit pas ndarjes nga jeta te krititikut e studiuesit Adriatik Kallulli, miq, kolege e familjare kane perkujtuar figuren e tij. Nga salla Black Box, e Universitetit te Arteve, vend te cilit Kallulli i kushtoi te gjithe karrieren e tij te gjate, koleget e tij zbuluan disa nga pengjet e kritikut te letersise dhe arteve. Nje prej tyre, ishte studimi i plote mbi vepren e Migjenit, te cilin Kallulli nuk arriti ta botoje. Nje prej themeluesve te ish Akademise se Arteve, firmen e Adriatik Kallullit mbajne nje sere studimesh e shkrimesh kritike te Letersise Shqiptare e asaj Boterore, por edhe artit dramatik ne pergjithesi.

Nearly a year after the death of krititikut Adriatic Kallulli scholars, friends, colleagues and family have reminded his figure. By Black Box halls, the University of the Arts, whose country Kallulli devoted throughout his long career, his colleagues discovered some of the literature and arts critic hostages. One of them was full study on the work of Migjeni, which Kallulli failed to publish. One of the founders of the former Academy of Arts, the signature of the Adriatic Kallullit hold a series of studies and articles critical of Albanian literature of the World, but also the dramatic arts in general.

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