Analistet: Koalicioni që i duhet PS-së - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Nje koalicion i gjere i udhehequr nga PS dhe ku perfshihen përveç aleateve tradicionale edhe partite e reja FRD dhe AK rrit dukshem shanset per fitoren e opozites ne 23 qershorin e 2013. Ky eshte leximi qe i bejne skenes politike analiste dhe politologe, te cilet theksojne se sistemi elektoral favorizon koalicionet e medha. Por pavaresisht perfitimit qe PS do te kete nga nje koalicion i tille analistet gjykojnë se aleanca me FRD dhe AK eshte pothuaj e pamundur pasi do t'i demtonte keto parti te reja. Deri me tani çdo ftese e PS per nje koalicion parazgjedhor me FRD dhe AK eshte refuzuar nga lideret e ketyre partive, te cilet 6 muaj para zgjedhjeve deklarojnë se do te garojne te vetem.

A broad coalition led by the SP and including besides traditional allies FRD new parties and AK increases significantly the chances for the victory of the opposition in the 23 June 2013. This is the reading that make political scene analysts and political scientists, who point out that the electoral system favors large coalitions. But despite the benefits that PS will be by a coalition of such analysts argue that the alliance with FRD and AK is almost impossible as it would undermine these new parties. So far every invitation of SP for a pre-election coalition with FRD and AK was rejected by the leaders of these parties, who 6 months before the state election that will compete alone.