PS: Qeveria "luan" me ligjet - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Opozita ironizoi me mënyrën e hartimit te projektligjeve nga qeveria dhe shumica ne parlament.
Shkak u be amendimi i ligjit per Peshkimin, miratuar ne 31 maj 2012. Ne seancen e miratimit te Ligjit, sipas ketij procesverbali, relatori demokrat Osman Metalla propozon nje ndryshim duke korrigjuar kategorine e anijeve per peshkim qe do te perdorin sistem automatik identifikimi. Metalla kembenguli atehere qe referuar kerkesave te BE, gjatesia e anijeve qe instalojne sistemin nisur nga viti 2013, te ishte jo 12 por 15 metra. Gabimi i aterhershem, sipas tij, ishte nje lapsus. Ne fakt, seanca ne Komisionin e Integrimit zgjati vetem pak minuta pasi asnje pale nuk ishte kunder rregullimit ligjor, por kontesti i te majtëve lidhej me mungesen e seriozitetit gjate draftimit te ligjeve.

Opposition mocked with the preparation of the draft of the government and the majority in the parliament.
Because became the amendment of the Law on Fisheries, adopted on May 31, 2012. At the session of the adoption of the law, according to this record, rapporteur Osman Metalla Democrat proposes a change to correct category of fishing vessels to be used by automatic identification system. Metalla insisted then that reference to EU requirements, length of ships that install the system starting from 2013, was not 12 but 15 meters. Error aterhershem, according to him, was a lapsus. In fact, the Integration Committee hearing lasted only a few minutes after no party was not against legal regulation, but left dispute related to the lack of seriousness during the drafting of laws.