Grabitet e plagoset kambisti - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Rikthehen grabitjet me arme dhe maska. Nje kambist ne qytetin e Elbasanit, Xhemil Lici, ka rene pre e sulmit nga persona te maskuar dhe te armatosur.
Ne oret e para te mengjesit kur Xhemil Lici ka dale nga shtepia, eshte sulmuar dhe qelluar me pistolete per t'i grabitur parate. Ende nuk dihen autoret e kesaj ngjarjeje, ndersa kambisti eshte derguar me urgjence ne spital. Ai ka marre dy plumba: nje ne shpatull dhe nje ne kembe, por per fat te mire ndodhet jashte rrezikut per jeten. 2 milion leke te rinj mendohet te jete shuma qe i eshte grabitur kambistit Lici. Policia dyshon se autoret e kane planifikuar sulmin kohe me pare. Nje tjeter sulm me arme ka ndodhur ne oret e para te mengjesit ne Korçe. Nje 63- vjeçare nga fshati Vithkuq e cila jetonte e vetme ne banese eshte sulmuar me thike nga 21- vjeçari Enkleo Toma, banor i te njejtit fshat. I riu i armatosur dhe i maskuar synonte grabitjen e baneses se gruas, ku kjo e fundit gjate përpjekjeve per ta mbrojtur eshte qelluar me thike. Banoret e fshatit kane dërguar ne spital te moshuaren e plagosur e cila ndodhet jashte rrezikut per jeten, ndersa 21-vjeçari eshte arrestuar disa ore pas sulmit.

Return to armed robbery and masks. A cambist in the city of Elbasan, Xhemil Licia, has fallen prey to attack by masked and armed.
In the early hours of the morning when Xhemil Licia has come out of the house, was attacked and fired pistol stolen money. Still unknown, the authors of this event, while kambisti is sent to the hospital emergency. He has received two bullets: one in the shoulder and one in the leg, but luckily is out of danger to life. 2 million young people deemed to be the amount that has been ripped kambistit Licia. Police suspect that the authors have planned the attack long ago. Another armed attack occurred in the early hours of the morning in Korce. A 63-year-old from the village Vithkuq who lived alone in the house was attacked with a knife by 21-year-old Enkleo Thomas, a resident of the same village. The young man armed and masked aimed at grabbing woman's apartment, where the latter while trying to protect is stabbed. Village residents sent to hospital wounded moshuaren which is out of danger to life, while the 21-year-old was arrested a few hours after the attack.