Shqiptaret, kthim tek ngrohja me dru - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 4

Ngrohja me dru vijon te mbetet si nje nga alternativat me te mira te familjeve shqiptare, per te sfiduar temperaturat e ftohta te dimrit. Ne Tirane jane disa pika tregtimi te druve. Nje prej tyre eshte ne periferi te Tiranës. Çmimi i nje late dru ka pësuar rritje nga viti ne vit. Aktualisht nje late dru tregtohet me 2600 leke duke përfshirë edhe transportin. Por ngrohja me dru edhe pse nje me alternative e konsideruar si e dale mode, dominon zgjedhjen e shqiptareve. Duke ju referuar te dhënave te fundit te censusit 2011, nga 722 mije familje shqiptare, rreth 60 prej tyre përdorin soben per ngrohje. Ndersa jane te pakte ata qe ngrohen nëpërmjet sistemit qendrore ne banese, per shkak se ky lloj investimi ndikon ne çmimin e apartamenteve. Sipas te dhenave nga censuesi 31 mije familje kane nje oxhak ne shtëpi. Por nuk jane te pakta ato familje qe nuk kane asnje pajisje ngrohje ne banese, gjithsej numërohen rreth 42 mije familje, te cilat sfidojnë dimrin ne kushte rrethanore.

Heating with wood continues to remain as one of the best alternatives to Albanian families to challenge the cold winter temperatures. In Tirana are some wood trading point. One of them is on the outskirts of Tirana. The price of a late wood has increased from year to year. Currently a late marketed wood 2600 leke including transportation. But heating with wood, although an alternative considered outmoded Albanians choice prevails. Referring to the latest census data 2011, from 722 thousand Albanian families, about 60 of them use the stove for heat. While there are few those heated by the central system in the house, because this type of investment affects the price of apartments. According to data from censuesi 31 thousand families have a fireplace at home. But there are few families who do not have any heating equipment in the apartment, were counted about 42 thousand families, which defy winter circumstantial conditions.