Gruaja e dhunuar: Të dënohet bashkëshorti - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 7

Pas dhunës njerëzore qe provoi mbi trupin e saj, gruaja shtatzënë Rudina Iljazi habitet edhe vete se si ka mbijetuar. Edhe pse ka kaluar rrezikun per jeten se bashku me krijesën 4-muajshe, 30- vjeçarja me zor flet. Krahas plagëve dhe dhimbjeve ne koke, ajo ndihet e renduar mendërisht.
Nuk do te flasë per te shoqin, as per dhunën çnjerëzore qe ai e solli ne kete gjendje. Madje as pendesa e tij ne dhomat e paraburgimit, nuk ia lehtëson dhimbjen ndaj kërkon ndëshkimin. 30- vjeçarja nga Korça e rrahur barbarisht nga bashkëshorti i saj Olsi Iljazi ka dale nga reanimacioni dhe është vendosur ne pavijon. 4- muajshe shtatzënë, ajo u dhunua nga i shoqi dy dite me pare, gjate nje sherri per motive xhelozie. Ne dhomat e paraburgimit 34- vjeçari i penduar dhe ne momente dëshpërimi u veteplagos ne koke, duke tentuar te vetëvritej.

After that proved human violence on her body, a pregnant woman Rudina Iljazi surprised himself how he survived. Although it has passed the risk to life, together with the creation 4-month, 30-year-old with hardly speaks. In addition to injuries and pain in the head, it feels gravely mentally.
Will not talk to her husband or to inhuman violence that he brought to this situation. Even his remorse in pre-trial detention, not to pain facilitates requires punishment. 30-year-old from Korca brutally beaten by her husband Olsi Iljazi has emerged from the reanimation and is located in the ward. 4-months pregnant, she was raped by her husband two days ago, during a quarrel for reasons of jealousy. In the detention of 34-year-old contrite and moments of despair was wounded in the head, trying to suicide.