Meta akuza mazhorances - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Aleati me i rendesishem i PD, Ilir Meta ka lëshuar akuza te forta ndaj maxhorances per ndarjen e re te mandateve.
Gjate nje takimi me përfaqësues te pushtetit vendor, kreu i LSI Meta ka deklaruar se eshte e padrejte heqja e nje mandate deputeti nga qarku i Beratit, duke u bashkuar me shqetësimin e opozitës per kete çeshtje. Meta ka kritikuar edhe Project-buxhetin per vitin 2013 pasi nuk ka parashikuar investime per qarkun e Beratit. Nderkohe qe shqetësuese sipas tij mbetet ndarja selektive dhe mbi baza politike e fondeve për pushtetin vendor. Meta ka deklaruar se procesi i decentralizimit edhe pse ka 12 vjet qe ka nisur ecën me ritme shume te ngadalta.

The most important ally of PM, Ilir Meta has issued strong accusations against the majority for a new division of mandates.
During a meeting with representatives of the local government, the leader of Meta SMI has stated that it is unfair removal of a deputy mandates from Berat, joining with the opposition's concerns on this issue. Meta Project criticized the budget for 2013 as there is no investment envisaged for the district of Portland. While disturbing in his division remains selective and political basis for local government funds. Meta said that the decentralization process although 12 years that has started moving very slowly.