Dalin rezultatet e censusit - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Pas me shume se nje viti, Instituti i Statistikave ka publikuar te dhënat përfundimtare te censusit te zhvilluar ne 2011. Sipas te dhënave popullsia shqiptare është 2 milione e 821 mije banore. Ndersa numri total i refuzimeve ndaj procesit nga ana e qytetareve arrin ne rreth 21 mije. Ndersa pyetjen per etninë dhe fene, per shkak te presionit te shume shoqatave e partive e kane refuzuar plot 400 mije vete. Sipas te dhënave, rreth 24 mije vete kane deklaruar se jane greke, 5500 maqedonas. Gjate prezantimit te te dhenave ministri i Inovacionit Genc Pollo tha se censusi nuk pati surpriza ne piken e vet me te kontestueshme. Nje tjeter pike e diskutueshme eshte edhe përkatësia fetare. 1.5 milion shqiptare jane vetedeklaruar myslimane. Me pas vijne katoliket me 280 mije vete dhe me tej ortodokset me 188 mije. Nga ana tjetër rreth 70 mije vete jane deklaruar ateiste. Censusi nisi ne tetor te vitit 2011, me pas ai u shty edhe per nje muaj per shkak te volumit te madhe te punës dhe refuzimit qe i bene shqiptaret. Ky census vjen 10 vjet, pasi atij te zhvilluar ne vitin 2001, nga i cili rezulton se shifra e popullsie ka rene me 8%, per shkak te emigrimit dhe numrit te ulet te lindshmërisë.

After more than a year, the Institute of Statistics has published the final data of the census held in 2011. According to data Albanian population is 2 million 821 thousand inhabitants. While the total number of rejections of the process by the citizens amounts to about 21 thousand. As for the question of ethnicity and religion, because of the pressure of many associations and political parties have refused full 400 thousand people. According to the data, about 24 thousand people have stated that they are Greek, Macedonian 5500. During the presentation of the data Innovation Minister Genc Pollo said census there were no surprises at the point of its most contentious. Another point of contention is the religious affiliation. 1.5 million Albanians have declared themselves Muslim. Then come Catholics with 280 thousand people and further the Orthodox with 188 thousand. On the other hand about 70 thousand people have been declared atheist. The census began in October 2011, then it was postponed for a month due to the large volume of work and rejection that makes Albanians. The census comes 10 years after he developed in 2001, from which it results that the population figure has been reduced by 8%, due to immigration and the low number of fertility.