Invalidët: 3 muaj pa pension! - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

"Duam te festojnë festat e fundvitit, kërkojmë pensionet tona!" Me keto thirrje ka nisur protesta e personave me aftesi te kufizuar para prefekturës se Vlores.
Invalidët i kane bere apel pushtetit qendror per zgjidhjen e ngërçit per mosmarrjen e pagesës prej tre muajsh. Pas tubimit 30 minusesh te personave me aftesi te kufizuar, përfaqësuesi i prefekturës e ka cilësuar te drejte protestën e tyre duke premtuar zgjidhje para festave te fundvitit. Ashtu si invalidët e Vlores, jane me qindra persona te tjerë me aftesi te kufizuara qe nuk ka marre pagesën e invaliditetit te dy apo tre muajve te fundit. Pavarësisht apeleve te shoqatave, ministria e Punës ende nuk ka dhënë zgjidhje

"We want to celebrate the holidays, we ask our pensions!" With these calls has launched protests of people with disabilities before Prefecture of Vlora.
Disabled have made an appeal to the central government to resolve the impasse for failing to pay three months. After assembly minus 30 persons with disabilities, prefecture representative has described the right to protest their promising solution before the holidays. Like Vlora disabled, there are hundreds of other persons with disabilities who do not receive disability payment to the last two or three months. Despite appeals associations, the Ministry of Labour has not yet provided a solution