KQZ dhe ndarja e mandateve - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 1

Vec debatit politik mbi vendimmarrjen e deshtuar te KQZ per ndarjen e mandateve parlamentare, edhe ekspertet e çeshtjeve elektorale ndajne opinione te kunderta per menyren e kapercimit te ngerçit.Kristaq Kume, qe ka drejtuar KQZ-ne per disa vite, mendon se kompetenca per ri-shperndarjen e mandateve pas levizjeve te zgjedhesve nga nje zone ne tjetren, i takon vetem KQZ. Ndersa Çlirim Gjata shprehet per Vizion Plus se Kushtetuta paracakton vetem nje rruge per ankimimin e vendimeve, gjykaten. E ne rastin kur KQZ nuk mundi te vendose, pasi kerkohej shumice e cilesuar votash, thekson Gjata, atehere fjalen e fundit e thote Kolegji Zgjedhor. KQZ nuk arriti te vendoste, ne mungese te konsensusit, per rishperndarjen e mandateve, pasi PS kontestoi te dhenat e gjendjes civile per qarkun e Kukesit, ku rezulton se eshte shtuar ndjeshem numri i votuesve.

In addition to the political debate over the decision failed to CEC for the allocation of parliamentary seats, electoral issues experts share opposite opinions about the way of overcoming ngerçit.Kristaq Kume, who has directed the CEC for several years, believes the new powers-distribution of seats after the movement of voters from one area to another, belongs only to the CEC. While Çlirim during Vizion Plus says that the Constitution predetermines only one way to appeal court decisions. And in case the CEC did not establish, as required qualified majority vote, emphasizes long, then the last word means the Electoral College. CEC failed to establish, in the absence of consensus, the reallocation of seats, as PS contested registry data for the region of Kukes, indicated that increased dramatically the number of voters.