Kuvend, debate për buxhetin 2013 - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 0

Kuvendi i Shqipërisë ka nisur seancen maratone te diskutimit dhe me pas miratimit te projektbuxheti 2013. Risia e këtij drafti është heqja e kufirit te borxhit te publik, çka do t'i lejoje qeverise te marre me shume hua. Sikundër pritej kjo pike ka qene edhe kryefjala e diskutimeve. Ministri i Financave Ridvan Bode argumenton se rritja e kufirit te borxhit vjen si domosdoshmëri per t'i dhene ekonomisë nje stimul fiskal, ne kushtet kur konsumi ka rene ndjeshëm. Por opozita e kundërshtuara kete draft duke e quajtur si jo realist. Nen kryetarja e komisionit te Ekonomisë Mimi Kodheli argumenton se ky draft nuk garanton stabilitet financiar dhe se gjendja e renduar ekonomike shqiptare ka ardhur si pasoje e korrupsionit te qeverise. Me heret kryeministri Sali Berisha prezantoi pikat kryesore te buxhetit te ardhshëm. Sipas tij, rritja e borxhit publik po behet per t'i ndikuar ne rritjen ekonomike. Buxheti i 2013 është i katërti qe hartohet ne kushtet e krizës ekonomike globale. Shuma totale e tij arrin ne 409 miliard leke me nje rritje ekonomike prej 4 %, ndersa niveli i borxhit do te shkoje ne 62.6 % te prodhimit te brendshëm bruto. Por eksperienca ka treguar qe këto shifra fillestare ne fund te vitit reduktohen per shkak te krizes qe ka prekur vendin, ndaj buxheti konsiderohet edhe nga opozita dhe ekspertet si euforik.

Assembly of Albania started marathon session and discussion after the adoption of the draft in 2013. The novelty of this draft is the removal of the public debt limit, which would allow the government to take more loans. As expected, this point has been the subject of discussions. Finance Minister Ridvan Bode argues that raising the debt limit comes as a necessity to give the economy a fiscal stimulus, in circumstances where consumption has fallen significantly. But the opposition opposed this draft calling as unrealistic. Vice-Chair of the Commission for Economy Mimi Kodheli argues that this draft does not guarantee financial stability and that the difficult economic situation of Albania has come as a result of government corruption. Ago, Prime Minister Sali Berisha presented the main points of the next budget. According to him, the growth of public debt is being done to influence economic growth. 2013 is the fourth budget is written in terms of the global economic crisis. The total amount reaches 409 billion with a growth rate of 4%, while the level of debt will reach 62.6 percent of gross domestic product. But experience has shown that these initial figures at the end of the year are reduced due to the crisis that has affected the country, the budget is also considered by the opposition and experts as euphoric.