Votat per Adriatik Llallen - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

2015-11-22 2

Miratimi ne parlament i dekretit presidencial per emërimin e Adriatik Llalles ne postin e prokurorit te përgjithshëm do te realizohet pa probleme. Ashtu sic pritej kandidatura e përzgjedhur nga presidenti nishani do te marre votat e koalicionit qeverisës; PD, PR dhe PDIU ndërkohe qe LSI nuk ka vendim grupi për Adriatik Llallen. Edhe ne rast se 4 deputetet e LSI vendosin te votojnë kundër zgjedhjes se presidentit për pasuesin e Ina Rames; per realizimin e 71 votave qe duhen për miratimin e Adriatik Llalles ne postin e kreut te organit te akuzës vijnë ne ndihme votat e Gazmend Oketes, Tom Doshit dhe Dritan Priftit. Deputeti socialist Tom Doshi e ka bere publik qëndrimin e tij se do te votoje pro dekretit te kreut te shtetit ndryshe nga grupi socialit i cili do te abstenoje. Gazmend Oketa i FRD ka deklaruar se do te votoje pro Adriatik Llalles pavarësisht rezervave ndaj momentit te përfundimit te mandatit te kryeprokurores Ina Rama. Edhe deputeti Dritan Prifti ka deklaruar votën pro ndaj Adriatik Llalles; i cili ne baze te llogaritjes se votave do te kaloje lehtësisht provën ne parlament.

Approval by Parliament of the presidential decree on the appointment of the Adriatic Llalles in as attorney general will be carried out smoothly. As expected candidates selected by Nishani president will take the votes of the ruling coalition; PD, PR and PJIU While SMI has not Adriatic group decision Llallen. Even if 4 LSI MPs decide to vote against the president's choice for successor, Ina Rama; for the implementation of the 71 votes needed for approval of the Adriatic Llalles the post of head of the body charged helpful votes Gazmend Oketes, Tom Doshi and Dritan Priest. Socialist MP Doshi has made public his position that he would vote in favor of the decree of the head of state different from social groups who will abstain. Bob Brown of the FRD has said it will vote in favor Adriatic Llalles despite reservations to the moment of termination of the mandate of the Prosecutor Ina Rama. MP Dritan Prifti said vote to the Adriatic Llalles;, which based on the calculation that the vote will pass the test easily in parliament.

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